Demonstrative Pronouns

What’s this? –That’s not for me. –Where’s she from? Is she from the north? –He’s from small town. –Is there any wine? There some wine in the kitchen. –This is the solution. -It’s a blue car. –it’s a difficult lesson. –That’s a green phone. Your name isn’t on the list or your name is not on the list. –Fine thank you, fin thanks. You’re the president. –He isn’t that room. –What’s your surname (last name)? –Your father is very young. - This is his last chance. -How’s her mother? -This airport is very small. -The tall man is French. -His wife’s Spanish. -Where’s he from? He’s from Paris.

Address and address

Are you well? Referido a la salud.

Are you okay? Are you alright? Referido al aspecto.

Director de orquesta decimos “Conductor” <condáacta>

Are you going to wright? I can’t right.

It’s an interesting story.

News paper: decimos; paper.

Where’s the airport? How are you? Which one is yours, this one or that one? Is the booking in your pocket? That’s not the right answer. –This is a difficult game. –I’m with you.

How do you do: It’s an extremely form; una forma muy formal de saludar.

Tell me to get up. Get up!

I always park here. –He is an important person. –I’m not going to talk to them. -They’re here. -Where are they? We were with them. -Were they ill?

His shirts aren’t clean. Sus camisas no están limpias

He never washes them. Nunca las lava

The red cars are behind me. Watch else! Los coches rojos están detrás de mí. ¡Mira más!

Is it your brother’s car? What’s in the car? ¿Qué hay en el coche?

Is that your answer? What’s the question?


El plural “Persons” sólo se emplea en algunos contextos escritos, como por ejemplo los jurídicos.

Es muy corriente utilizar “Can” en vez de “Know” para hablar de habilidades


How are they? What are the problems? What is your problem?

Which one’s yours? I’m scared.

En inglés no “tenemos” miedo sino que “estamos” miedosos


Are the exercises difficult? What are these? What are they?


Pears; peras

Where are her letters? Are these their books? Whose are they? They’re not mine. Are they ours?  

My sister’s room is over there. -This is my brothers’ room. -Coffee and tea are hot drinks. Who is it? Their plan was quite useful. -What street is that?

What colour are those walls? Which ones are theirs? When were the meetings? When were the meetings? You’re wrong they are full. -

Why are the glasses empty? Por qué están vacíos los vasos?

You’re wrong; they’re full. -What’s the weather like today? It’s cold. -It’s hot.

The one here is mine. -They’re giving them to her. -He’s giving them to us.

We’re not talking to each other. -Pedro’s sister likes to play the violin. -We can’t go to the meeting. Does he like you? Whose grapes are those? -I went to the office yesterday. -Neither of them went to the party.


Carl is married to my best friend. -It wasn’t as big as Marion and Jeff’s. -How many people went? Where was Derek? -He was dancing with his girlfriend.

Brenda had five glasses of wine. -Was she thirsty? She doesn’t like him.


Those were your grandfather’s. These were his sister’s. -We saw their boss. - How old is her uncle? How many cars does he have? Does Carl have any brothers or sisters? Were they there too?

They never go to the theatre. June sometimes goes. Her mother never went.

I’ll see them next week. Where are the towels? Jerry’s brother-in-law is French. El cuñado de Jerry es francés.


How long does that opera last?

How much time...? ; se usa muy poco.


It usually lasts three and a half hours.

Salt: Sal

There’s some salt in the cupboard. Are there any people in the office?

El sutantivo “people” es incontable, por lo que al caso le precede “any”, y un plural para el verbo.


We weren’t at the meeting. -Whose shoes are these? What are you doing? (What do you do? A qué te dedicas). I’m calling Mary. -Where are they going? Is Tamara looking after your daughter? Anything can happen.


Will you look after my kitten next week? Are you going on holiday? Yes I am as it happens.

I have three wishes. Do you agree?