INTERROGATIVE  PRESENT PERFECT (Pret. Perf. Comp. Ind. español).


Questions in the present perfect: How do we form the present perfect? We simply invert the verb have with the subject “you, he, she” whatever, okay?

Okay we’re gonna look now at, using the word “ever”, we’re talking about our lives, our lives are another incomplete time period. They starting in the past and they are continued hopefully for quite a long time.


Have you ever eaten pig’s ear?

Has she ever told you a secret?

Have they ever been to France?

Have they ever had a cat?



I’ve been studing English for a long time.

I’ve been feeling awful recently. Últimamente me siento fatal

I’ve been behaving strangely recently. Últimamente me estoy comportando de forma rara.

Can you harry up, or can you get a move on?

I’ve been waiting for over two hours! ¡Llevo esperando más de 2 horas esperando!

¡Date prisa!

Get a move on!

Hurry up!

Get your skates on!

Chop chop!


They’ve been having a lot of problems recently. Están teniendo…

Expresamos “To have” en el tiempo verbal continuo, cuando lo utilizamos en sentido sufrir o experimentar.


Let’s have a look at some examples now in the negative.

So if the positive was: I have been waiting, the negative would be; I haven’t been waiting.

I haven’t been paying attention for the last five minutes.

Sorry, I haven’t been listening to a word you’ve been saying. No he escuchado…

I haven’t been running for ages. No voy a correr desde hace mucho.


Have you been working hard recently? ¿Últimamente has trabajado mucho?

To study hard: Estudiar mucho.

To work hard: Trabajar mucho.

What have you been doing? ¿Qué has estado haciendo umm?

Referido a un niño transmitimos la sospecha de que ha estado portándose mal


Continuous present again:

They’ve been shopping all afternoon. Llevan toda la tarde comprando

They’ve been complaining all afternoon. Llevan toda la tarde quejándose

I’ve been working on it all week. Llevo to la semana trabajando en ello

He’s been shouting like that all day. Lleva todo el día gritando así

Has he been coughing like that for a long time? ¿Lleva mucho tiempo tosiendo...


How long have you been doing it?

How long have you been smoking? ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas fumando?

How long have you been speaking English?

How long have you been playing the piano?

How long have you been living in Spain?