What are we going to look at?

What today we’re goint to look at how we give people advice about the past.


Advice in affirmative:

You should have got up earlier. Deberías haberte levantado antes.

She should have sent “in” her application sooner. Debería haber enviado su solicitud antes.

“in” añade el matiz de “entregar” junto al verbo “send” es redundant.


You should have asked for permission!

They should have said! Or they should have said so! Never “it” with to say.


You should have thought about it properly.


They should have traied harder! Te deberías haber esforzado más

I should have done my tax return by last week.

By: cuando deberiamos haber hecho algo para una fecha.


You should have finished it by now. Deberías haber terminado ya.


Advise in negative:

They shouldn’t have gone

He shouldn’t have touched the plug with the wet hands.

It’s extremely dangerous to touch plug with wet hands.

You shouldn’t have told him.

Cuando “say” se convierte en “tell” no le sigue “it” debido a la presencia del C. Ind. him.


You shouldn’t have thrown the cigarette out of your car window!

I shouldn’t have asked anyone’s opinion. No deberías haber pedido la opinion de nadie.

They shouldn’t have behaved like that. No deberían haberse comportado así

Sarah shouldn’t have complained like that. Shara no debería haberse quejado así.

You shouldn’t have shouted like that. No deberías haber gritado así.


Advice in interrogative

Should I have let you know? Or should I have warned you? ¿Debería haberte advertido?

Should he have mentioned it?

Should I have called you?


The most common way:

Do you think I should have done this?

Do you think he should have done something else?

Do you think we should have made a higher offer?

Do you think I should have gone and seen a doctor?

Los dos verbos que siguen a “should have” van en participio


Do you think they should have told us?