USA: March fourteenth (March 14th)

UK: The sixth of September (The 6th of September)

UK: The twenty-second of April (the 22nd of April)

USA: February seventeenth (February 17th)

UK: The seventeenth of February

UK: the second of November (The 2nd of November)

USA: May tenth (May 10th)

UK: The twenty-eighth of July (The 28th of July)

USA: January thirteenth (January 13th)

USA: October thirtieth (October 30th)

UK: The nineteenth of August (The 19th of August)

USA: June fourth (June 4th)

UK: The twentieth of December (The 20th of December)



Is Christmas day on the 4th of July?

Is it on the twelfth (12th) of February?

It’s on the twenty-fifth (25th) of December

Is New Year’s Day on the second (2nd) of February?

Is it on the thirtieth (30th) of September?

It’s on the first (1st) of January.

Is Three Kings’ Day on the twenty-fifth (25th) of December?

Is it on the (5th) fifth of August?

It’s on the sixth (6th) of January.

Is El Pilar on the tenth (10th) of June?

Is it on the fifth (5th) of November?

It’s on the twelfth (12th) of October.

Is Constitution day on the eighteenth (18th) of May?

Is it on twentieth (20th) of April?

It’s on the sixth (6th) of December.

When is the party?

It’s on Friday night or it’s on the fifth (5th) of October.



When is your birthday?

It’s in September

When is the Olympic?

It’s in 2008

When is Thanksgiving?

It’s in winter.

Is Christmas in November?

It’s in December.

Is Father’s Day in May?

It’s in March

Is Mather’s Day en January?

It’s in May.

Is All-Saint’s Day in March?

It’s in November.

Is Worker’s Day in August?

It’s in May


It’s one o’clock. It’s 1.

It’s five past one. It’s 1:05

It’s a quarter past one. It’s 1:15

Is it three o’clock? What time is it? It’s one o’clock.

Is it nine o’clock? What time is it? It’s two o’clock

It’s half past two. It’s 2:30

It’s half past three. It’s 3:30

It’s 10:30. It’s half past ten.

It’s 8:25. It’s twenty-five past eight.

It’s quarter to twelve. It’s 11:45

It’s quarter to one. It’s 12:45

It’s 5:25. It’s twenty-five past five.

It’s 9:10. It’s ten past nine.

It’s 8:50. It’s ten to nine.

It’s five past seven. It’s 7:05

It’s quarter past four. It’s 4:15

It’s 9:20. It’s twenty past nine.

It’s twenty-five to twelve. It’s 11:35

It’s quarter past seven. It’s 7:15

It’s 8:45. It’s quarter to nine.


It’s ten past five. It’s 5:10.

It’s three o’clock. It’s 3:00.

It’s quarter to two. It’s 1:45.

It’s seven, minutes to eight. It’s 7:53.

It’s two, minutes past ten. It’s 10:02.

It’s twenty to four. It’s 3:40.

It’s half past one. It’s 1:30.

It’s five to three. It’s 2:55.

It’s quarter past eleven. It’s 11:15.

It’s ten to five. It’s 4:55.

It’s five to ten. It’s 9:55.

It’s twenty-five to seven. It’s 6:35.

It’s three, minutes to six. It’s 5:57.

It’s eight o’clock. It’s 8.


It’s 10:10. It’s ten past ten.

It’s 3:17. It’s seventeen, minutes past three

It’s 8:40. It’s twenty to nine.

It’s 11:55. It’s five to twelve.

It’s 9:05. It’s five past nine.

It’s 2:15. It’s quarter past two or it’s a quarter past two.

It’s 10:30. It’s half past ten.

It’s 10:10. It’s ten past ten.

It’s 7:19. It’s nineteen, minutes past seven.

It’s one on the dot. It’s one o’clock.

It’s 6:25. It’s twenty-five past six.

It’s 5:50. It’s ten to six.

It’s 12:20. It’s twenty past twelve.



The Battle of Hastings took place in 1066 ten sixty-six.

The Battle of Trafalgar took place in 1805 eighteen “o” five.

The Second World War ended in 1945 nineteen forty-five.

The Battle of Waterloo took place in 1815.

Mozart was born in 1756 seventeen fifty-six.

The French revolution started 1789 seventeen eighty-nine.



1998 Nineteen ninety-eight

1999 Nineteen ninety-nine

1776 Seventeen seventy-six

1905 Nineteen “o” five

1405 Fourteen “o” five

1406 Fourteen “o” six

1941 Nineteen forty-one

1700 Seventeen hundred

1808 Eighteen “o” eight.

2001 Two thousand and one

2002 Two thousand and two

1489 Fourteen eighty-nine

1912 Nineteen twelve

1984 Nineteen eighty-four

2005 Two thousand and five






I’ve worked in this company for three years. Trabajo en esta empresa desde hace 3 años.

I’ve lived in my current house for seven years. Vivo en mi actual casa desde hace 7 años.

I’ve spoken Spanish for ten years.

They’ve known each other for several months.

They haven’t seen each other for years.

I haven’t eaten for eight hours.

I haven’t gone back to France for four years.

We haven’t bought a new car for twelve years.

I’ve lived here since two thousand and six (2006).

I’ve known since yesterday.

I’ve called her every day since the summer.

I haven’t seen her since Monday.

I haven’t done anything since two o’clock.

I haven’t played football since I was at University.

I’ve worked here since I was twenty-six years old.

I haven’t spoken to Anthony since I was five.

She hasn’t called me since we had that argument.

I haven’t laughed so much since that time you fell in the swimming pool.

She hasn’t had a single cigarette since she gave up smoking five months ago.

I haven’t watched television for three weeks.

She’s drunk that brand of tea for years.

He’s been here since two thousand and one.

I haven’t seen her since I left my old company.

They’ve worked in this business for years.



Acabar de hacer algo.

Another expression which requires the use of the present perfect in English is the equivalent of “acabar de hacer algo



I’ve just found a mistake in the text.

They’ve just got married.

I’ve just had an idea.

We’ve just opened an internet bank account.

She’s just gone into the operating theatre. Entrar en el quirófano.

Gary’s just left the office, I’m afraid. Lo siento pero Gary acaba…

I’ve just spoken to her.

My boss has just given me a raise (pay rise).

I’ve just sent out an e-mail to all employees about the matter. Sobre el asunto

They’ve just decided to come with us.

Real Madrid has just scored!

I’ve just read your letter.

We've just moved house. Acabamos de mudarnos de casa.

I’ve just sold my old car.


HAD JUST. (acababa)

“Had just” el pasado de “have just”; “I’ve just done something” (acabo de hacer algo) en pasado sería “I had just done something” (acababa de hacer algo)


I had just finished organising everything when she told me she wasn’t coming. Acababa de organizarlo todo cuando ella me dijo que no venía


I had just opened the front door when the phone rang. Acababa de abrir la puerta de casa cuando sonó el teléfono.

We don’t use to say “the door of my house” but “my front door”

The priest had just finished his sermon when my brother woke up. El cura acababa de finalizar su sermón cuando mi hermano se despertó


The match had just started when it began to rain. El partido acababa de empezar cuando se puso a llover.


When I arrived, they told me that Paul had just left. Cuando llegué me dijeron que Paul se acababa de marchar.

Just” se pronuncia “dyáast” bajando la mandíbula


I didn’t know you’d just said the same thing. No sabía que acababas de decir la misma cosa

I’d just opened up your e-mail when the power went off. Acababa de abrir tu correo cuando se fue la luz.

“La luz” en el sentido del suministro eléctrico se dice “the power” y nunca “the light”


I’d just found out when you call me. Acababa de enterarme cuando llamaste.

We’d just got out of the car when the dog attacked my wife. Acabábamos de salir del coche cuando el perro atacó a mi mujer.


They’d just left when I realised they’d left their umbrella in the living room. Acababan de irse cuando me di cuenta de que se habían dejado su paraguas en el salón.

Varias formas de decir “salón”; “living room” es universal mientras que “sitting room” y “lounge” sólo se emplea en UK.


I wish!-¡OJALÁ!

La estructura verbal de “I wish” es igual que la de los condicionales. Si tu deseo es modificar el presente, exprésate en el pasado simple.

Exception to the verb to be, always “were” as the second conditional.

I wish I had more money!

I wish I could speak German!

I wish I lived in a bigger house!

I wish I understood American television!

I wish I could cook well!

I wish I were taller!

I wish I were fitter! ¡

¡Ójala estuviera en forma!

I wish I were more patient!

Now, we change the actually by opposite.

You’re poor. I wish I were rich!

You’re fat. I wish I were thin!

You’re old. I wish I were young.

I have no free time. I wish I had more free time!

You have a small house.  I wish I had a big house!

You know nothing about English history.

I wish I knew more about English history!


I wish I didn’t have so many problems!

I wish I didn’t have to work so many hours!

I wish I didn’t speak French so badly!

I wish I weren’t so silly!

Now, we have to change the actually by the opposite in negative.

You have a lot of work to do. I wish I didn’t have so much work!

You are the expert on this matter. I wish I weren’t an expert on this matter!

You’re extremely gullible (crédulo-cándido-pánfilo-creído)

I wish I weren’t so gullible!

You have a lot of friends. They’re always calling you and you never have any time to yourself. I wish I didn’t have so many friends!

You have to drive to work every day. I wish I didn’t have to drive to work every day!

“I wish” by “If only”

I wish I were braver!

If only I were braver!

I wish I didn’t have to get up early every day!

If only I didn’t have to get up early every day!

I wish I didn’t live next to a cement factory!

If only I didn’t live next to a cement factory!



¿Te gustaría (ser-saber-hablar-tener)...?

Do you wish you were stronger?

Do you wish you knew more about computers?

Do you wish you spoke Japanese?

Do you wish you knew how to make cakes?

I wish I had a bigger wardrobe?  Guardaropa.


Are you going to move house soon? I wish! (mudar de casa)

Is your boss going to retire soon? I wish!

Are you going to get a pay rise soon? I wish!



I’m thinking about going to the cinema.

I’m thinking about calling my friend.

I’m thinking about changing my car.

Paul’s thinking about going to France for a holiday.

They’re thinking about going to Vienna for a holiday.

Diedre isn’t thinking about in retiring yet.

I’m not thinking about staying the night. Por la noche.


I’m not thinking about going.

I’m thinking about not going.

He’s thinking about not going to work tomorrow.


I was planning to get married under-water but my fiancée didn’t want to.

She’s planning to reveal the news at the annual conference.

Are you planning to do anything at weekend?

I’m not planning to do anything.

Are you planning to call him?

Are you planning to tell him the truth?




Get up!

To come back: volver

To go back: regresar.

What am I doing?

You’re getting up.

Now, tell me to sit down. Sit down! Dime que me siente

You’re welcome! De nada!

Adverb describes the verb; the boy is writing quickly.

Adjectives become in adverbs, when we add end “ly” at the end of the adjective that describes the verb.




To put on (poner) – To take off (quitar-despegar) – To put into (meter) – To take out of (sacar de) – To back; put it back on (volver a ponerlo), take it back out of… (vuelve a sacarlo de…), put it back into (vuelve a meterlo)


Tell me to take off my watch. Take off your watch.

What am I doing? You’re taking off your watch.

Now, tell me to put it into my pocket. Put it into your pocket.

What am I doing? You’re putting it into your pocket.

You’re taking it out of your pocket.

Now, tell me to take it out of my pocket. Take it out of your pocket.

What am I doing?

I’m taking it out of my pocket.

Now, tell me to put my watch back on.

Put your watch back on, please.

What am I doing? I’m putting my watch back on.

Take off your ring please. What are you doing?

I’m taking off my ring.

Now, put it into your bag please. What are you doing?

I’m putting it into my bag.

Take it out of your bag please. What are you doing?

I’m taking it out of my bag.

Put your ring back on please.

Thank you! You’re welcome.



To pick up (coger, recoger) – To hold (sujetar, sostener) – To touch (tocar) – To shake hands (dar la mano).

Tell me to pick up my papers!

Pick up your papers please!

What am I doing? You’re picking up your papers.

Tell me to hold your mobile!

Hold me mobile please!

What am I doing? You’re holding me mobile

Tell me to touch me nose!

Touch your nose please!

You’re touching your nose

Tell me to shake hands with you!

Shake hands with me, please!

What am I doing? You’re shaking hands with me

Tell me to tell you to pick up your mobile!

Pick up your mobile please!

What are you doing?

You’re picking up your mobile

Tell me to tell you to hold this pen!

Tell me to hold that pen

Hold this pen please!

What are you doing?

I’m holding this pen



The use of “And”

Después o entre las centenas y decenas o entre las centenas y unidades.


175,000 - 275,000 - 375,000 - 475,000 - 2,434 – 308 - 243,000 - 86,200 -951,000 - 32,800 - 873,000 - 457.500 - 263,800 - 656,500



Do you have any friend? Yes, I do.

Do you have any water? Do you have any ice for my drink? No, I don’t.

Do you have a dog? Yes, I do.

Do you have a million dollars? No, I don’t.

Do I have a green bicycle? No, you don’t.

Do you have a picture on your wall? Yes, I do.

Do you have a cat? Do you have a horse?

Do you have any books by Cervantes?

Do you have any milk in your fridge?

Do you have an alarm in your bedroom?

Do I have any books in my bedroom?

Do I have a glass of water next to my bed?



Muchas palabras de tres letras cómo por ejp, “man”, “sit”, “con”, “tap”, “can” cuando añadimos al final una “e”, cambia el sonido de vocal a diptongo.

Mane (melena) <mein>

Site (lugar) <sait>

Cone (cono) <coun>

Tape (cinta) <teip>

Cane (bastón) <kein>

Therefore the pronunciation of “mine” is <main>. Por lo tanto


Mine – yours – his – hers – ours – yours – theirs.

That’s mine. Those are his. This is theirs. Those are ours. This isn’t hers.

Those aren’t his. Is this yours? Are those ours?




Obligation and absence of obligation in negative


We don’t say “to be concentrated”. We say “to be concentrating”

To have to; tener o deber (obligation). En afirmativo, obligaciones incontestables que imponen leyes, hechos o situaciones.

You have to go. You have to jump. We have to study. You have to wear car.

I have to buy some milk.

I have to pick my mother, up from the airport or I have to pick up my mother from the airport.

I have to go to work early tomorrow morning.

She has to give a presentation in English tomorrow morning. Tiene que hacer

He has to do a lot of paperwork this week. Papeleo

I have to make a decision this week. Tomar…

Todo tipo de contracciones deben ir fuera cuando “have” significa “tener”.

He had to pay a big fine. una multa importante; we don´t use important.

I had to lend her my jumper. Que dejarle el jersey.

Don’t forget you have to post that letter. Que tienes que enviar…

To send a letter; enviar una carta.

To post a letter; echar al correo una carta.

We have to be at the airport by five o’clock. Cómo muy tarde “by”

I’ve never had to give a presentation in English. Que hacer

He has to go to New York tomorrow.

Don’t forget you have to call him before eight o’clock. Que debes

She’s happy because she doesn’t have to go to the meeting.

We didn’t have to do it in the end.

They didn’t have to pay extra in the end. Pagar más

I didn’t have to make a speech in the end. Que dar

She doesn’t have to cook on Mondays.

I haven’t had to use my French since 2001.

She hasn’t had to go to Barcelona for three months.

You don’t have to come because it’s not necessary.

You mustn’t come because it’s forbidden.

Do you have to get up early tomorrow?

Does he have to use English every day at work?

Do I have to do it?

Did they have to ask for a mortgage to buy the house? Pedir

Do we have to bring anything special?

Do you have to make that noise? Hacer…




Today we’re to carry on looking at obligations. “Must” which we use when we’re talking about a subjective obligation, an obligation which we impose on ourselves because somebody says so. E.g. “you must get your hair cut”. You don’t have to get your hair cut, nobody is forcing you but I’m saying you must get your hair cut. I.E.,”Es una obligación consigo mismo; si es que puedo o quiero hacerlo” 

I must buy myself a couple of shirts.

You must see that film; it’s great!

I must tidy my desk; it’s right mess. Muy desordenada

You must make more of an effort with your English!

My optician says I must wear glasses for reading. Mi oculistallevar

Speaking English just got easier. Ahora es más fácil

I must remember to phone my mother tomorrow

You must come and see us when you’re in Spain.

He must do something about his dog.

We must get together during the holidays.


I had to get my hair cut because it looked awful.

I had to call my father because he was at home by himself…alone

You mustn’t step on the grass or you mustn’t tread on the grass.

I mustn’t forget to do my tax return.

You mustn’t argue with your English teacher.

You mustn’t forget to put your seatbelt on.

You mustn’t enter that building after seven o’clock.

You mustn’t tell him yet.

I mustn’t forget.

You don’t have to be there early to get the tickets.

You don’t have to kill yourself to get promoted. Para que te asciendan

You don’t have to go crazy to lose weight.

You don’t have to make a speech at the conference.




I tell you I haven’t eaten for three days.

You must be very hungry!

You must be starving! Muerto de hambre

You must be famished! Muerto de hambre

Stephen arrived at the party by helicopter

He must be loaded! Cargado de dinero

He must be filthy rich! Asquerosamente rico

He must be swimming in money!

I tell you I haven’t slept for 48 hours.

You must be very tired!

You must be exhausted!

You must be whacked! golpeado

You must be smashed! Destruido

You must be shutted!

You must be beat!

You must be bushed! Agotado

You must be knackered! Hecho polvo


Sally and Jason aren’t answering their phone at home.

They must be out!


Jennifer goes to mass every Sunday.

She must be very religious!


Negative logical conclusion “Can’t”. No debes…!

I’ve just eaten a three-course meal and say that I’m hungry. 3 platos de comida

You can’t be hungry!

I’ve slept for 16 hours and say that I’m tired.

You can’t be tired!

I talk about my cousin who has worked as an unpublished writer for 15 years.

He can’t be good! Ha trabajado cómo escritor inédito…




Logical conclusions:  Must have + participle. When we draw conclusions

So what conclusion do you reach about Napoleon stature? <sstacha>

He must have been short.


You must have been freezing. Debes haber pasado frío

You must have been terrified. Debes haber pasado miedo

He must have been fat. Debe haber estado gordo

They must have got lost. Se deben de haber Perdido


They can’t have beaten Valencia. No pueden haber vencido al Valencia

You can’t have lost your car. No puedes haber perdido

It can’t have been that bad. No puede haber sido tan horrible

He can’t have said that! No puede haber dicho eso




Yet” <iyét> means “todavía”, va al final de las frases interrog. y negat. Para oraciones en afirmativo se utiliza “Still”.


Have you told them yet? No, I haven’t told them yet.

Has she made lunch yet? No, she hasn’t made lunch.

Has it rained this year yet? No, it hasn’t rained yet.

Have they finished the match yet? No, they haven’t finish the match yet.

Are you ready yet? No, I’m not ready yet.

Is it nine o’clock yet? No, it isn’t nine o’clock yet.

Have you finished university yet? No, I haven’t finished university yet.

Has it happened yet? No, it hasn’t happened yet.

Has she read the book yet? No, she hasn’t read the book yet.

Have they got married yet? No, they haven’t got married yet.

Have they set a date for the wedding yet? No, they haven’t.

To set a date: fijar una fecha.

Has she bought a dress yet? No, she hasn’t.

Has she chosen the ring yet? No, she hasn’t the ring yet.

No, I haven’t talked to her yet. Have you talked to her yet?

No, they haven’t decided yet. Have they decided yet?

No, we haven’t changed the design yet. Have you changed the design yet?

No, she hasn’t given up smoking yet. Has she given up smoking yet?

No, I haven’t read the report yet. Have you read the report yet?

No, he hasn’t asked me to marry him yet. Has he asked you to marry him yet?

No, they haven’t stopped yet. Have they stopped yet?

No, I haven’t read the small print yet. Have you read the small print yet?




Afirmativo e interrogativotodavía” se formula “still”. Negativas “Yet”; “Haven’t you understood what I’m getting at yet?” ¿Todavía no has comprendido lo que quiero decir?

Already (ya)”; solo en afirmativo y para el resto “yet

Any more” (ya no); lógicamente solo para el negative.

I still need to see that report. Todavía tengo que..

(“Still” va delante de los verbos no auxiliaries)


Have you told her yet?

Why haven’t you changed the light bulbs yet? las bombillas todavía?

They’ve already left. Ya se han marchado. (Detrás de v.auxiliares y “to be”)

I don’t live there any more. Ya no vivo allí

I’ve already been robbed twice this year. Me han robado

We still live in the centre

Are they still married?

Is it time for the match yet? ¿Es la hora del…ya?

She didn’t love him any more. Ya no le quería

The tickets are already sold out. Los billetes ya se han agotado

It doesn’t work any more. Ya no funciona

Hasn’t she forgiven him yet? ¿Todavía no le ha perdonado?

It’s still hot outside. Todavía hace calor fuera

I’ve already explained this to you once. (Explain to)




“Already” means “ya” but in the context of an affirmative statement (una declaración afirmativa). “Already” goes just before a normal behaving verb or non auxiliary verb but it goes after auxiliary verbs.


I already speak four languages.

I’ve already seen the film

They’ve already brushed their teeth. Ya se han cepillado los dientes

He’s already spoken to me about the matter. Él ya...del tema o asunto

I’ve already made the booking. Ya he hecho la reserve

I’ve already told you. Ya te lo he dicho

I’m already excited about the idea. Ya estoy ilusionado con la idea

They’ve already been to Germany. Ya han ido a Alemania.

He already speaks five languages fluently. Él ya habla…con soltura

I already know the answer.

Cuando “ya” es “now

Already” siempre se refiere a algo que ya se ha hecho. Por lo tanto cuando empleamos “ya” referiéndonos al presente empleamos “now” y para el futuro inminente “in a bit” “in a while


I’m coming now. Ya voy

I’ll send it to you in a bit. Ya te lo envío.




Todavía: when we using it in the context of a negative sentence or in the context of the question, where add us “yet” go or we add at the end.

Today we’re going to look at the equivalent “todavía” in an affirmative context. It doesn’t go at the end of the sentence. It’s going in front of normal verbs non auxiliary verbs, and after auxiliary verbs including the verb “to be”. “Still” goes between the subject and the verb.


I still have all my teeth.

I still like seventies music.

She still loves me

She still lives in same village.

We still go to church on Sundays.

Lucy still makes delicious cakes or Lucy still makes scrumptious cakes.

<ssscruamsháas> colloquially “scrummy” <ssscruammy>

I still make mistakes with my English. We don’t say “commit mistakes”


She can still sing like an angel.

They are still angry about it.

Si la frase comienza con “still” significa “de todos modos”

He’s still in love with her. Enamorado de ella.

We’re still waiting for an answer.

He’s still thinking about it.

Jamie and Gina are still trying to sell their house.

I’m still having problems with my internet connection.

Mark still works with her.

Mark is still her boss.

She still likes Mark.

Mark is still happy with Paula’s work.




“Any more” goes at the end of the negative sentences.


I don’t play sport any more. Ya no practico deporte

I don’t go to school any more. Ya no voy al colegio

I don’t believe in perfection any more. Ya no creo en la perfección

Perfection” es un concepto abstracto por eso que no lleva art.determinado  

I don’t live in England any more. Ya no vivo en…

I don’t smoke any more. Ya no fumo

You can’t trust her any more. Ya no te puedes fiar de ella.

I’m not unemployed any more. Ya no estoy desempleado

My father shouldn’t drive any more….ya no debería

My telephone doesn’t work any more….ya no funciona

NO LONGER (Ya no), synonyms “any more

“No longer” goes just before a normal behaving verb or non auxiliary verb but it goes after auxiliary verbs “I’m no longer young”.


I no longer consider him a viable candidate. <nou> <lónga> <considiihim>

Yo ya no lo considero…(“lo” C.D.)

I no longer have to get up early. Ya no me tengo que levantar temprano

I no longer eat meat. Ya no como carne

It’s no longer important. Ya no tiene importancia

“Tener importancia” decimos en inglés “ser importante”

I’m no longer bored at work. Ya no estoy aburrido en el trabajo

To stay up late” quedarse levantado a las tantas dentro de casa.

I can no longer stay out late. Ya no puedo quedarme por ahí hasta las tantas.



TO HAVE YET TO…(Todavía/Aún no…).

“To have yet to do it” means; not to have done something yet; not getting around to doing it (no ponerse a hacerlo).

La lógica del significado “todavía no” está en que “yet” que sólo va en frases negativas e interrogativas, por lo tanto cuando va en oraciones afirmativas funciona como la negación del verbo.


I have yet to be convinced. Todavía no estoy convencido

They have yet to sign the agreement. Todavía no han firmado el acuerdo

I haven’t met anyone yet who knows this business better than I do.

I’ve yet to meet someone who knows this business better than I do.

He hasn’t revealed his hand yet.

He’s yet to reveal his hand 

The conservative party hasn’t presented its election manifesto yet.

The conservative party has yet to present its election manifesto. El partido conservador todavía no ha presentado su programa electoral


The PM hasn’t made a statement yet. El primier ministro

The PM has yet to make a statement….todavía no ha hecho una declaración

MPs haven’t voted on the matter yet. Los diputados…(Members of Parlament)

MPs have yet to vote on the matter….todavía no han votado sobre el asunto


“YET” o “AND YET”, que resulta aún más enfático y suele seguirle una pausa.

“NO OBSTANTE, SIN EMBARGO o PERO” al principio de una oración.

I want to tell her, yet I never seem to find the right moment…pero parece que nunca

He was very convincing, and yet there was something about him I didn’t like.




“Yet more” o “yet futher”. Se forma más bien en artículos de periódicos. No es algo que se diga mucho.


We experienced yet more problems when we went through customs. Experimentamos aún más problemas cuando pasamos la aduana

Yet more questions need to be answered. Aún tiene que contestar más preguntas

Yet more homes had to be evacuated last night on account of the foods. <evacueitit> (because of, Due to). Aún más hogares tuvieron que ser evacuados por las inundaciones.

Yet more delays are expected. Aún se esperan más demoras

La estructura “yet further”<iyet fedar>claro está que te la puedes encontrar

The strikers made yet further demands on the factory owners. Los huelguistas exigieron aún más a los dueños de la fábrica.

Dos formas de exigir; ”to make demands on someone” or “to demand”


The authorities made yet further excuses today. dieron aún más


There were yet further problems in store for Alonso as he entered the pit lane.

Aún había más problemas…cuando entró en el carril de boxes.

The Government has made yet further tax cuts….aún más recortes fiscales

“YET AGAIN” muestra nuestra euforia o enfado.

 I’ve failed my driving text yet again. He suspendido..una vez más.

To fail <feiiol> fracasar

We’ve lost yet again. Nos hemos perdido una vez más.

Yet again is time to do our tax return. Una vez más toca hacer la renta

I’ve fallen in love yet again. Me he enamorado una vez más

You’ve got the wrong number yet again! ¡Te has equivocado de …una vez más!




Seize the day! Aprovecha el día!


I wish I had known!

I wish I had told her!

I wish I had studied harder at university!


I wish I’d stopped smoking before!

I wish I’d gone to the party!

I wish I’d remembered to renew my passport!

“Renovate” it’s not used to refer to documents.


You had very little money when you were a student.

I wish I had had more money when I was a student!

You didn’t ever see Zidane play to Real Madrid.

I wish I had seen Zidane play to Real Madrid!

You didn’t sell your car last year and now it doesn’t work.

I wish I had sold my car last year!



Flats were quite cheap ten years ago but you didn’t buy one.

I wish I’d bought a flat ten years ago!

You didn’t buy tickets to see the Stones in concert.

I wish I’d bought tickets to see the Stones in concert.



I wish I hadn’t told them!

I wish I hadn’t gone there!

I wish I hadn’t been so impatient!

I wish I hadn’t done that! <dáan>

I wish I hadn’t parked my car by the river! Al lado del río

I wish you had warned me!

I wish they hadn’t sent the letter!

I wish it hadn’t rained for the wedding! En la boda!

I wish she hadn’t gone!

I wish the weather had been better! ¡Ojalá hubiese hecho mejor tiempo!


If only she´d sent it on time!

If only they hadn´t done that!

If only it had worked!


Do you wish you had done something in?

Do you wish you had realised? ¿Te habría gustado haberte dado cuenta?

Do you wish you’d been there? ¿…haber estado allí?

Do you wish you’d seen her face? ¿…que haberas visto…?

Do you wish he’d been in charge? ¿…que hubiese estado al mando?




I wish you would do this!

I wish she would stop!

I wish you would shout up!

I wish she would stop shouting!

I wish you would hurry up!

I wish she would leave me alone!

I wish they would turn the music down! Bajaran el volume…

“I wish I would…” Mistake; never, ever, ever, ever, when we’re referring to ourselves.

I wish you’d make an effort!

I wish he’d help!

I wish he’d stop doing that!

I wish she’d be a bit nicer!

La traducción de “un poco” seguido de un adjetivo suele ser “a bit” y no   

a little”.


I wish you wouldn’t make that noise with your teeth!

I wish she wouldn’t complain so much!

it's enough anger for the time being




John looks like his father.

Everyone says I look like my brother.

I don’t think I look like my mother.

Henry looks just like his twin brother.

Too, we could say; Henry and his twin brother look alike

She looks like her sister.

My grandfather looked like Napoleon.

My neighbour looks like George Cloony.

NOT LOOK ANYTHING LIKE… (no se parece en absolute)

I don’t look anything like Kevin Costner!

Sarah doesn’t look anything like her cousin.

You don’t look anything like your father.


To look tired. -To look happy

Do you look tired!

That looks interesting.

He doesn’t look very happy, does he?

Do you look fed up!

That looks difficult.


You look like you…(parece que …)

He looks like he…(parece que ella…)

They look like they…(parece que ellos…)

You look like you’ve had enough.

She looks like she doesn’t want to be here.

The man looked like he didn’t know what he was talking about.

She doesn’t look like she agrees.

They look like they’re bored.

You look like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards!










I hope, you don’t expect me to wait for you. Espero, que no esperes que te…

To hope: en sentido esperanzador.

I hope (that) I can go to the party.

I hope (that) I win the lottery.

I hope I remember her name.

I hope don’t have to speak Spanish at the meeting.

I hope she won’t be offended. (No se haya). No esté ofendida<joup>

I hope the weather’s nice tomorrow. Haga buen tiempo..

I hope there isn't a problem. No haya problema

I hope you haven’t had any problem. No hayas tenido problemas

To wait: esperar en sentido literal <ueit>

I’m waiting for the bus

I waited three hours for the train.

He waited all afternoon to get a ticket.

Can you wait for a minute? Or; Will you wait for me a minute?




I happened to be at the airport when the king arrived.

Dio la casualidad de que…ó Estaba por casualidad…

He happened to give me some very useful information.

Dio la casualidad de que..ó Me dio por casualidad…

They happen to have a very nice Rolls Royce you could hire.

Da la casualidad de que…ó Tienen por casualidad un RR que podrías alquilar

I happen to know that she is going to leave him. por casualidad

She happens to disagree with you.

Da la casualidad de que no está de acuerdo contigo

Interrogative: You wouldn’t happen to…(por casualidad no + cond ¿verdad?)

You wouldn’t happen to know what time it is, would you? Por casualidad no sabrías que hora es, ¿verdad?

You wouldn’t happen to have a light, would you?

Por casualidad no tendrías fuego?…¿verdad?

You wouldn’t happen to speak Italian, would you?

Excuse me; you wouldn’t happen to know where the station is, would you?

You wouldn’t happen to have five minutes, would you?

Por casualidad no tendrías 5’ ¿verdad?