I LOVE THE WAY-I HATE THE WAY (me encanta cómo-odio cómo)
Today we’re gonna look at a little nuance, a nuance; un matiz, a nuance of the englis language. And it is the way we say; me encanta como haces esto, because in English is not novel to say; I love how you do that. The most idiomatic way of saying this is; I love the way you do that.
También podemos decir; I hate the way, okay? I hate the way this happens, I hate the way it rains on Sundays. Let’s go then:
I love the way she plays with her hair. Me encanta cómo ella juega con su pelo
I love the way he dribbles. Me encanta como él dribla
I love the way the sunset lights up the hillside. Me encanta cómo la puesta de sol ilumina la ladera
Es más habitual usar el verbo transitivo “to light up” que “to illuminate”
I love the way he explains things. Me encanta cómo él explica las cosas
I love the way he does absolutely nothing at work! ¡Me encanta cómo él no hace absolutamente nada en el trabajo!
I hate the way he always bosses people around. Odio cómo él siempre es mandón con la gente
To boss around; es un verbo compuesto y significa ser mandón.
I hate the way he’s always late. Odio cómo él siempre llega tarde
My stomach is rumbling
TO VS SO THAT (para vs para que)
Recordar que como no hay un cambio de sujeto, “para” seguido de un verbo suele traducirse casi siempre por “to”, pero también podemos decir “in order to” (con el fin de) o “so as to”.
Excepto cuando estamos hablando del uso particular de algo; “a corkscrew is for opening bottles”
I went to Greece to learn Greek. Fui a Grecia para aprender griego
We’re here to explain the new situation to you. Estamos aquí para explicaros la nueva situación
I painted the gate to protect it from the rain. Pinté la verja para protegerla de la lluvia
Let’s look at some examples now of; IN ORDER TO. Que es totalmente sinónimo.
I work in order to pay my mortgage. Trabajo para pagar mi hipoteca
I study in order to improve my English. Estudio para mejorar mi inglés
He’s campaigning in order to be elected president. Está haciendo campaña para ser elegido presidente
Ahora otra frase sinónima; SO AS TO
She went to London so as to look for a job. Ella fue a Londres a buscar un trabajo
They bought the house so as to have a more peaceful lifestyle. Compraron la casa para tener un estilo de vida más tranquilo
PARA QUE: En este caso también hay dos oraciones, pero dos sujetos diferentes:
I teach so that you learn. I teach in order that you learn.
Y de hecho este es otro ejemplo de cuando nosotros este tipo de “subjuntivo”, que simplemente es el verbo básico; I teach so that you learn. Pero también en 3ªp.s.; I teach so that he learn. Learns; si lo dices no pasada nada porque muchísimos nativos también lo dicen.
We stopped shouting in order that he be able to speak. Dejamos de gritar para que él pudiese hablar.
Ahora si decimos; we stopped shouting in order that he could speak. No pasa nada, está bien.
We booked well in advance so that there wouldn’t be any problems. Reservamos con mucha antelación para que no hubiera problemas
En este caso hasta para nosotros el uso del “subjuntivo” suena forzado, pero sería correcto decir; so that there not be any problems (para que no haya…)
Everyone whose listen to the beginning level will know that Richard is ill today. Are you ready to suffer? Okay, let’s begin the class. So the most important thing about that is to use the word “to” at the end of the sentence. You cannot say; he asked me to go, but I didn’t want.
You have to finish the sentence with “to”. So the best way to learn of course is to look at the examples so let’s go for it, shall we? Okay, the first one for example would be:
I couldn’t go to the office party but I wanted to. No pude ir a la fiesta de la oficina pero quería ir
He doesn’t live in the city center but he would like to. No vive en el centro de la ciudad pero le gustaría
My boss asked me to make the opening speech but I really don’t want to. Mi jefe me pidió que hiciera el discurso de apertura pero en realidad no quiero
I’m playing against my son’s football team at the weekend but I don’t want to. El fin de semana Juego contra el equipo de fútbol de mi hijo el fin de semana pero no me apetece.
I’m going but I don’t want to. Voy pero no quiero
He’s coming but he doesn’t want to. Viene pero no quiere
I have to take part but I don’t want to. Tengo que participar pero no quiero
TO BE RIGHT ABOUT (tener razón…) vs. TO BE RIGHT FOR (ser ideal…)
As you know Richard’s ill today, so I'm taking over from him, which it’s get opportunity he view. Because you be hearing a new voice. Which it’s very good your English. So let’s get start it with today lesson, shall we? Today we’re gonna concentrate on the adjective “Right” and how it can changes meaning depending on the proposition that follows it; “about or for” in this occasion.
Let’s fast go all, look at “to be right about someone” or “to be right about something” which means; tener razón en cuanto a algo o alguien.
Let’s look at some examples, shall we?
You are right about Paul; he’s a nutcase. Tenéis razón en cuanto a Paul; es un pirado.
Los adjetivos “mad” y “crazy” (loco) no se pueden convertir en sustantivos.
Nuestro sustantivo para loco; nutcase, nuttier, lunatic, crackpot, head case, basket case, etc.
Un tongo es; to be fixed.
I was right about the game, it was fixed! Tenía razón en cuanto al partido, ¡fue un tongo!
I’m usually right about things like that. Normalmente tengo razón en cuanto cosas así
Were you right about the film? was it really boring? ¿Tenías razón en cuanto a la película? ¿Fue realmente aburrida?
We were right about Jane; she’s been promoted. Teníamos razón en cuanto a Jane; le han ascendido.
Now, we’re gonna change the proposition from “about to for”: To be right for someone or to be right for something, means; ser perfecto o ideal para alguien o algo.
Let’s look at some examples then:
This dress would be just right for your wedding. Este vestido sería perfecto para tu boda.
En este contexto es muy corriente colocar el adverbio “just” antes de “right” para enfatizar la idea de ser “perfecto” o “ideal”
You have to choose the course that’s right for you. Tienes que elegir el curso que sea perfecto para ti. (…that be right for you)
He’s not right for you. Él no es perfecto para ti
I never thought the job was right for you. Nunca pensé que el empleo era ideal para ti.
TO SOUND (parecer)
When we’re thinking an idea is interesting, impossible or novel. As we’ve not actually given an opinion about anything physical, we use the verb “to sound” followed by adjective, for example:
That sounds very interesting. Eso parece muy interesante
It sounds fine to me. Me parece bien
Your idea sounds great to me. Me parece genial (tu idea; subj.)
How does that sound (to you)? Qué te parece?
Word we have two ways with original says; “feasible” or our common word but for our colloquial is “doable”.
Does that sound doable (to you)? ¿Eso os parece factible?
You don’t sound very well. Parece que no estás bien
You sound a bit fed up. Pareces que estás un poco harto
When we draw conclusions about the identity of someone through sound, the sound of the voice for example, we say; “that sound like” follow by the name or the pronoun or the noun for example:
That sounds like the postman. Me parece que es el cartero
That sounds like John. Me parece que es John
It sounds like you had a good time! ¡Parece que lo estés pasando muy bien!
It rings a bell. Me suena
Cuando algo te suena, no digas nunca “that sounds me” ya que suena patético, se dice “it rings a bell” or “that rings a bell”.
Angry with vs. angry about: Depending on whether on we’re talking about the person or an object or a situation. Okay let’s begin. So let’s start off with; to be angry with someone.
Let’s look at some examples, shall we? Okay let’s.
Are you angry with me? No, I’m not angry with you
Don’t be angry with me for being late. No te enfades conmigo por llegar tarde
Siempre decimos “to be angry with someone FOR DOING SOMETHING”.
Julia is a little angry with her husband at the moment. Julia está un poco enfadada con su marido en este momento
Will you be angry with me if I don’t go?
Okay, now we’re going to change the proposition, so instead of saying “to be angry with” “to be angry about”.
Now, we use the proposition about, when we’re talking things or situation, for example:
I’m angry about the situation. Estoy enfadado por la situación
Johns’s angry about the sales figures. John está enfadado con las cifras de ventas
Two more adjectives that follow exactly the same rule as angry are; furious (furioso) and annoyed (enojado).
So let’s tray a few examples with those two:
The fans were furious about the decision. Los fans estaban furiosos por…
Don’t get so annoyed about unimportant things. No te enojes tanto con las cosas sin importancia.
Don’t get angry about it. No te enfades por esto.
WHY NOT… Prescindimos del auxiliar DO y sujeto YOU
Why not study? I’m feeling fine, Richard unfortunately still ill, but his getting better and sure he will be with you next week, so until then, you’re gonna have to put up to with me. If you look at the intermediate section, you’ll know that “to put up with me” means; aguantar, so. Will you put up with me you think? Let’s begin then; right of the very beginning of the advanced course you looked at negative questions with Richard I believe. Do you remember that? Okay, questions like; why don’t you? Why can’t we? Why shouldn’t you?
Now one very common use of negative questions, especially in the present simple is when we want to give advice to people, for example; why don’t you do this? However there is a shorter more concise way of asking this type of question. What we do is get rid of the auxiliary verb and the subject so, it might same that the question lacks something, but in fact is a very common way of giving advice, for example; if I say: Way don’t you take some time off? You can say in a mode concise way: Why not take some time off? So, we get rid of the auxiliary verb and the subject; Why not take some time off? Do you understand? So, I will give you the full question and I want you to change the question into the mode concise form. So the first one:
Why don’t you listen to the radio instead?
So, the important rid of the auxiliary verb “do” and the subject “you”, so:
Why not listen to the radio?
It’s a very colloquial way of giving advice.
Why don’t you buy her some flowers? Why not buy her some flowers?
Why don’t you come with us?
Now say it to the more concise way:
Why not come with us?
Why don’t you call a doctor? Why not call a doctor?
Why don’t you pull over and check the oil?
To pull over; tomarse un retiro de una situación
Why not pull over and check the oil?
Why don’t you take your coat off? Why not take your coat off?
Why don’t you go for a swim? Why not go for a swim?
Why don’t you try some black pudding?
Black pudding; morcilla
Why not try some black pudding?
(Not manage to do something)
We looked at the structure “to manage to do something”. Do you remember that?
So what we’re going to do is; I’m going to give you a sentence with the structure “not manage to do something” and I want you to change it to a sentence with contains “fail to”; to fail to do something.
He didn’t manage to finish the report last Friday. He failed to finish the report last Friday. ...el pasado viernes
It means exactly the same thing but it’s slightly more formal. Is it clear?
Good, okay, the next one:
Felix didn’t manage to turn up before 10 am. Felix failed to turn up before 10am
To turn up is synonym to “to show up”
We didn’t manage to talk to the person in charge of the project. We failed to talk to the person in charge of the project.
The English army didn’t manage to defeat the French in 1066. The English army failed to defeat the French in 1066. …no logró derrotar a los franceses...
Teresa didn’t manage call in time to get tickets for the concert. Teresa failed to call in time to get tickets for the concert.
They didn’t manage to hire the right person for the job. They failed to hire the right person for the job.
Es mucho más común decir “to hire” o “to take on” que “contract”. Empleamos “contract” cuando hablamos de servicios.
The manager didn’t manage to come up with a convincing explanation. The manager failed to come up with a convincing explanation.
El director no logró llegar a una explicación convincente.
I didn’t manage to tell her the truth. I failed to tell her the truth
I did it yesterday. Lo hice ayer
Jason did his homework last night. J. hizo sus deberes anoche
Pepe’s uncle did an English course. El tío de Pepe hizo un curso de inglés
We did the dishes yesterday. Lavamos los platos ayer
We did the work on Friday. Hicimos el trabajo el viernes
Dan’s dad did it. El papa de Dad lo hizo
I did something yesterday. Hice algo ayer
The workers did their job. Los trabajadores hicieron su trabajo
I did my best. Lo hice lo mejor que pude
How do all regular verbs end in the past? In “ed” okay.
Sometimes we pronouns the final “i” for example in the verb “start”; he started. And sometimes we don’t, for example the verb “to book” (reservar); he booked. The rule is very simple; whenever a verb ends in a “TE” or “T sound” in that case we always pronouns the final “i”, okay? And we pronouns it like an “i”; “startid” for example. And another example would be: “Formulate” acaba en “te”, pero realmente acaba en un sonido de una “T”; formulate and formulated. Good, let’s have a look then some verbs that end in a “T”, for example:
Have You posted the letter yet? ¿Ya has hechado la carta al correo?
The meeting started at four. La reunión comenzó a las cuatro
Fortunately my wallet floated!
We waited for over three hours! ¡Esperamos más de tres horas!
Okay, let’s look at some verbs now the ending “TE”
I dated Helen for over a year. Salí con Helen durante más de un año
We invited all our friends to our silver wedding anniversary. Invitamos a todos nuestros amigos a nuestras bodas de plata
You’ve created a monster! ¡Has creado un monstruo!
The wine expert rated this wine very highly. El experto de vinos calificó este vino de alta calidad.
Last week we looked a serious of regular verbs that ended in a “T” sound. Do you remember? And we looked at them because of course on we form the past, we pronouns the final “i” okay? The “id”, we say “startit” okay? And like add the verbs like “ask” with sound; “to ask” the past would be “asktch”. There only two types of verbs what we pronouns this final “i”; verbs that end “T” sound, like last one we looked last week and verbs that end in a “D” sound, like the one we are about look at now. We gonna go through a serious of verbs that ending “d” or “de”. They all end in a “D” sound basically.
My kitchen flooded during the storm. Mi cocina se inundó durante la tormenta.
Eventually they succeeded, Finalmente lo lograron.
We avoided that part of the city like the plague. Evitamos aquella parte de la ciudad como la peste.
After Assisi we headed towards Rome. Después de Asís nos dirigimos a Roma.
They recorded their most successful albums in the sixties. Grabaron sus álbunes más existosos en los años sesenta.
Let’s look now then at a few verbs that end in “de” but of course the sound is still a “D”, okay? Like “to decide”.
The Romans invaded Britain in the era before Christ. Los romanos invadieron Bretaña en la era antes de Cristo.
The villagers provided blankets and hot drinks. Los vecinos proporcionaron mantas y bebidas calientes.
We’ve decided to go to Germany in the summer. Hemos decidido ir a Alemania durante el verano.
He concluded it wasn’t a good idea. Él concluyó que no era una buena idea.
My father has guided me all my life. Mi padre me ha guiado durante toda mi vida.
We’re gonne look at now the end, we’re gonna carry on looking at how to pronounce regular verbs, okay? All those verbs that don’t end in “T” sound or a “D” sound. Do you like the title? So bit long-winded, isn’t it? In which case of course we don’t pronounce the final “e”, okay? An example would be the verb “to ask” so, what verb the past be? "askt"
Let’s start then looking at some verbs that end in a strong consonant sound; verb ending a “K” or a “P” sound, okay for example:
I asked her where she lived. Le pregunté a ella donde vivía.
I booked my tickets two weeks in advance. Reservé mis billetes con dos semanas de antelación.
I liked what I saw. Me gusto lo que vi.
Barry jumped over the fence. Barry saltó la valla.
Let’s look now at some verbs sound. More regular verbs that end in a soft consonant sound, okay? In this case the “ed” is more like a “D”, for example; to reserve “reservd”, to live “livd”.
John finished the report just past midnight. John terminó el informe justo después de la media noche.
She worried about her son all evening. Ella se preocupó por su hijo toda la tarde.
She covered her head before entering the mosque. Ella se cubrió la cabeza antes de entrar en la mezquita.
Jenny closed the door when she arrived. Jenny cerró la puerta al llegar.
Ben carried his son upstairs. Ben llevó en brazos a su hijo arriba.
The cat belonged to their neighbours. El gato pertenecía a sus vecinos.
Some times in English we can start a sentence with a negative element, like “never” we do this for emphasize. When we do it however, we have to invert the auxiliary verb with the subject, for example; I’ve never seen such a bad film; never have I seen such a bad film. Okay, this is true negative expression such as never, not only...but also and under no circumstances. Okay so we’ll have a look at a few examples each.
Never have I seen such a bad film! ¡Nunca he visto una peli tan mala!
Never have I been to such an awful place! ¡Nunca he ido a en un sitio tan horrible!
Never will I go there again! ¡Nunca volveré alli!
Okay, let’s look at some examples now with NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO
Not only did it rain all week but also all museums were closed. No sólo llovió toda sino que también todos los museos estaban cerrados
Not only did they steal my wife’s jewellery but they ransacked the house. No sólo robaron las joyas de mi mujer sino que desvalijaron la casa.
To ransack: desvalijar
Not only did we lose the match but we were also relegated to the second division. No sólo perdimos el partido sino que también bajamos a segunda
Okay, let’s look at some now of UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, with means; bajo ninguna circunstancia.
Under no circumstances must you leave the building during this exercise. Bajo ninguna circunstancia
La posición de la palabra “also” varía según qué tipo de verbo le acompaña.
Now is about time to test you on your irregular verb. Good, okay let’s go for it:
They won the bet but they didn’t win the contest. Ganaron la apuesta pero no ganaron el concurso
I drove the car but I didn’t drive the tractor. Conduje el coche pero no conduje el tractor
The company grew but it didn’t grow quickly. La empresa creció pero no creció rápidamente
I read the letter but I didn’t read the report. Leí la carta pero no leí el informe
I sold the car but I didn’t sell the house. Vendí el coche pero no vendí la casa
I sent the letter but I didn’t send the pictures. Envié la carta pero no envié las fotos
I stole the paintings but I didn’t steal the jewels. Robé los cuadros pero no robe las joyas
I taught the alphabet but I didn’t teach the numbers. Enseñé el alfabeto pero no enseñé los números
I forgot the book but I didn’t forget the papers. Olvidé el libro pero no olvidé los papeles
I heard the end but I didn’t hear the beginning. Oí el final pero no oí el principio
I bought the food but I didn’t buy the drinks. Compré la comida pero no compré las bebidas
I chose the red one but I didn’t choose the blue one. Elegí el rojo pero no elegí el azul.
I flew to Rome but I didn’t fly to Paris. Volé a Roma pero no volé a París
I broke the glass but I didn’t break the bottle. Rompí el vaso pero no rompí la botella
I’m on the mend, I feel a lot better a bit thank you of course to David, for doing the last two disks, when I was in my dead bed.
We’re gonna carry on reviewing some irregular verbs. This time focusing on participles, very very easy and but it is important keep practicing these:
I’ve fallen on snow but I’ve never fallen on sand. Me he caído en la nieve pero nunca me he caído en la arena.
I’ve swum in a lake but I’ve never swum in a fjord. He nadado en un lago pero nunca he nadado en un fiordo.
Peter’s eaten swordfish but he’s never eaten whale. Pedro ha comido pez espada pero nunca ha comido ballena.
They’ve sung in German but they’ve never sung in Hungarian. Han cantado en alemán pero nunca han cantado en Húngaro.
She’s never run a marathon but she has run a half marathon. Nunca ha corrido un maratón pero sí ha corrido un medio maratón
They’ve never flown to the States but they have flown to Mexico. Nunca han volado a E.U. pero sí han volado a México.
He’s never broken his leg but he has broken his arm. Nunca se ha roto la pierna pero sí se ha roto el bazo.
I’ve never drunk ewe’s milk but I have, goat’s milk. Nunca he bebido leche de oveja pero sí he bebido leche de cabra
They’ve never spoken in person but they have spoken by phone. Nunca han hablado en persona pero sí han hablado por teléfono
Ski boot prices have risen in January before but they’ve never risen in July. Los precios de las botas de esquí han subido antes en enero pero nunca han
How are you today? Are you alright? You’re on top of the world! What does that mean?
I’m on top of the world.
I went to the bank. I went to the supermarket.
I went home. I went there.
Yesterday I went to the cinema or I went to the cinema yesterday.
We went to France last year.
Henry went to see his girlfriend at the weekend
My teacher went to Brazil to learn Portuguese.
Clara went to the bank to talk to the manager.
It’s time you learnt this expression! It’s time you made an effort with your English. It’s time you took this seriously: This is the expression when you in Spanish say; ya es hora de que hagas algo.
Okay, well let’s run into this very quickly. The important thing is of course the second verb; siempre va en pasado simple: It’s time you came, it’s time you run, it’s time you stopped.
It’s time you cut your hair or it’s time you got your hair cut.
Okay, we’re gonna change round now, I’d like you to give me the Spanish and I’ll give you the English, but I’ll exaggerate a little, I’ll use two words sometime here for emphatic effect; it’s about time or high time. The meaning doesn’t change; this is just a little bit more emphatic.
It’s about time you told your neighbours the truth about their dog.
It’s high time we started doing a bit of sport.
It’s high time I went on a diet.
Ponerse a dieta; to go on a diet.
Estar a dieta; to be on a diet
It’s about time you thought about giving up smoking.
It’s high time the local government built the ring road. Ya es hora de que el gobierno construya la carretera de circunvalación.
Let’s move on to something else now, let’s look at; how in English say “Una vez o dos veces”. We say ONCE or TWICE. Thrice; en términos poéticos.
This is very easy but many Spaniards have a tendency to say one time or two times, and we would say once or twice, but the way when we say; “dos o tres veces” in English we don’t say twice or three times but “two or three times”. Let’s have a look them:
I’ve only parachuted out of a plane once.
They swam in the sea two or three times last year.
Another use of “once” is when you are telling a story about something you’ve done. I once met tal…, and “once” goes before normal verbs and after auxiliary verbs. Seeing when it’s behaving as an adverb.
I once met President Jimmy Carter.
An example with an auxiliary verb: She was once ill with malaria.
On the edge of a cliff: Al borde de un acantilado.
A bubble; una burbuja. If you’re bubble; es que estás muy contento.
To Start + another verb (infinitive or gerund)
Start writing when I say so! ¡Empezad a escribir cuando os lo diga!
Can you start clearing the table? ¿Podéis empezar a limpiar…?
I didn’t start learning English until I was 20.
The mayor has started fighting tax fraud. …a combatir el fraude fiscal.
Have you started revising for your exams yet? ¿Has empezado a repasar…ya?
The same verb “To start” followed by the infinitive with “to”, in fact in UK, probably the more common to say “to start doing something” where in the States they use both just as often.
The jelly fish: Las medusas
I’m starting to understand why you did it….a entender por qué…
Can you start to pay a bit more attention, please? …poner un poco más…
He’ll only start to relax after a couple of days on holiday.
Let’s go on out to the opposite verb; the verb “to stop”. The verb “to stop” can also be follow by the gerund or by the verb in the infinitive, but depending on what it’s follow by, the meaning changes, okay?
To stop doing something means; dejar de hacer algo.
To stop to do something means; parar para hacer algo.
We’re gonna start by looking at now:
The factory stopped making detergent a long time ago…dejó de producir…
He stopped smoking after his heart attack….dejó de fumar tras su infarto
Can you stop making all that noise? ¿Podéis dejar de hacer tanto…?
Let’s look now at the verb “to stop” followed by the infinitive with “to” which means; pararse para hacer algo.
On the way back from Paris, I’m stopping in Burgundy to buy some wine.
The Police stopped us to breathalyse my husband….nos pararon para hacer soplar a mi marido.
Breathalyse: Alcoholímetro
Did you stop to see your parents? ¿Paraste para ver…?