(en el sentido de apreciar, caer bien)

ES PERSONAL EL VERBO TO LIKE; I like you. Me gustas; No se puede traducir literalmente.

Para hacer posible la traducción el Sujeto se convierte en C.I. español o Sujeto paciente.


They like us. Les gustamos (nosotros).

We like them. Nos gustan.

She likes me. A ella le gusto.

We like him. Nos gusta él.

He likes us. A él le gustamos.

They like me. Les gusto.

You like her. Te gusta ella.

We like you. Nos gustas.

You like us. Te gustamos.

He likes me. A él le gusto.

You don’t like me. No te gusto.

They don’t like us. No les gstamos.

We don’t like them. No nos gustan.

She doesn’t like him. A ella no le gusta él.

I don’t like them. No me gustan.

She doesn’t like me. A ella no le gusto. 

I don’t like her. No me gusta ella.

They don’t like you. No les gustas.

We don’t like him. No nos gusta él.

I like you. Me gustas.

Does he like her? ¿A él le gusta ella?

Do they like us? ¿Les gustamos?

Does she like them? ¿A ella le gustan?

Does she like him? ¿A ella le gusta él?


My grandmother likes computers - Does your husband like cars? - Katherine doesn’t like cats - Do you like fish? - Does she like rice? - I don’t like restaurants – Do you parents like music? – My cat doesn’t like milk.

TO LIKE + ANOTHER VERB infinitive or gerund.

Podemos decir:

I like to drive or I like driving

Jack likes to swim or Jack likes swimming.

I don’t like to drive or I don´t like driving – Do you like to study? or Do you like studying?

We don’t like to fly or we don’t like flying - Does Damian like reading or Does Damian like to read? My mother likes to cook or my mother likes cooking – Trevor doesn’t like to work or Trevor doesn’t like working.

TO ENJOY + ANOTHER VERB + ING (Sólo puede llevar el gerundio.) 'DISFRUTAR'

I enjoy working – I enjoy eating – They don’t enjoy cooking – Maggie enjoys playing football – Does Mike enjoy driving? – Do you enjoy speaking English Anne? I enjoy!



Empleamos el adjetivo posesivo.

My nose, my eyes, your lips etc,.

Eyes (ojos)– Nose (nariz) – Mouth (boca) – Head (cabeza) – Hair (pelo) – Ears (orejas) – Tooth (diente) – Teeth (dientes) – Tongue (lengua) – Back (espalda) – Chest (pecho) – Stomach (estómago) – Arms (brazos) – Legs (piernas) – Foot (pie) – Feet (pies) – Neck (cuello) – Knees (rodillas) – Elbows (codos) – Shoulders (hombros) – Hands (manos) – Fingers (dedos) – Toes (dedos del pie) – Ankles (tobillos). Adicionales que son; left and right. 

What am I pointing at? You're pointing at your arm. – Which arm am I pointing at? You're pointing at your right arm. – What am I pointing at? You're pointing at your shoulder – Which shoulder am I pointing at? – What am I pointing at? You're pointing at your foot. – What foot am I pointing at? – What am I pointing at? You're pointing at your feet. What am I pointing at? You're pointing at your teeth – What am I pointing at? Your pointing at your chest – What am I pointing at? You're pointing at your eye. Which eye am I pointing at? You're pointing at your right eye.



My head hurts. (Mi cabeza duele). Me duele la cabeza

My toe hurts.

His head hurts.

Their feet hurt.

Our legs hurt.

Her back doesn’t hurt.

My stomach doesn’t hurt.

Their ears don’t hurt.

My neck doesn’t hurt.

Do they knees hurt?



How are you? Hi, Richard how are you? Anne's got the giggles. What's the matter Anne? Nothing, I don't know, I can't tell you. You can't tell me! it's a bug bad!

Today, we're going to look at two auxiliary verbs; the verb 'May' and 'Might'. In English there are two ways of saying “A lo mejor” ó “Quizás”, “Perhaps” and “Maybe”, but the most common way of saying “Quizás ó a lo mejor” in English is throughs to use an auxiliary verb “Might” okay?


I might do it. A lo mejor lo hago <mait>

I might go. He might go. Puede que vaya.

It might rain tomorrow. Pede que llueva.

I might be late. Puede que llegue tarde

You still might catch you train. Puede que todavía cojas tu tren

'Might' por cierto es un verbo que utilizamos todo el tiempo: I might go, I might run, I might stop.

We might go to Ibiza for a weekend break. Puede que vayamos a Ibiza un fin de semana.

“City break” viajes de dos o tres días a cualquier ciudad turística.


I might stop and get a pizza. A lo mejor paro y compro…

I might be late home tonight, honey.

Términos de cariño entre pareja. “Honey” contraído “hun/hon”. “Darling” ahora se emplea más por la calle como “hermoso/a. “Love” otra palabra cariñosa pero no tiene nada pasional.


They maight make you an offer you can’t refuse.

“To refuse” rechazar ofertas y su sinónimo “to rejet” cuando nos referimos a rechazo social o rechazar una solicitud de empleo.



I think I might do it. I think I might call her.

I might go for a walk. Es muy idiomático decir; I think I might go for a walk.

I think I might write and complain. …escribo para quejarme

I'll do it over dinner. I'll make the announcement over dinner. Lo anunciaré durante la cena

Cuando queremos hablar de algo durante (during); over breakfast, over lunch, over dinner.


SHORT ANSWER. CUANDO CONTESTAMOS A UNA PREGUNTA 'Pues, quizás!' En vez de 'Perhaps', en vez de 'May be'; I might!. Mucho más natural. MEJOR' I MIGHT.

Are they going to come? They might

Is it going to rain? It might


You might not need your umbrella.

We might not sell our house after all. A lo mejor al final no…

It might not rain after all. A lo mejor al final no…

I might not apply for that job after all. Puede que al final no solicite…

I might not invite them after all. Puede que al final no…

INTERROGATIVE: 'MAY I?' 'Pidiendo permiso'

May I ask a question?

May I go to the loo? Of course you may! ¿Me permite ir al servicio?




Last week we looked at the auxiliary verb "Might" and we looked at it in a future context using "Might" in the present; I might go (A lo mejor voy). When you want to express this idea of possibility in the past, because we're talking about an auxiliary verb we simply use 'MIGHT plus HAVE and then the PARTICIPLE':

He might have come. Puede que haya venido.

He might have gone. Puede que haya ido. 'Might have' nunca cambia, lo único que cambia es el participio.

I don’t know where my umbrella is. I think I might have left it on the bus.

Their wedding present still hasn’t arrived. I think I might have sent it to their old address.

Sorry, I think I might have got the wrong number. Creo que a lo mejor tengo el número equivocado

To get the wrong number: Equivocarse de número

Do you think they might have got lost? ¿Crees que a lo mejor se han perdido?

Do you think they might have had an accident? ¿Crees que a lo mejor han tenido un accidente?

Do you think they might have forgotten about the wedding? ¿Crees que a lo mejor se han olvidado de la boda?


Do you remember last week? We discussed the fact about 'May and Might' were totally synonymous and then we hardly ever ever ever use 'May' okay? We looked one example last week, when we would use this 'May': May I open the window?, when you're asking someone for permission to do something in a very polite way; May I coming? ¿Puedo entrar?

Another occasion when we use 'MAY' is when you can't remember exactly what you said, for example:

I may have said that but I can’t remember. Puede que haya dicho…

I may have agreed at the time but I don’t any more. Puede que haya estado de acuerdo en ese momento, pero ya no lo estoy

I may have told you that but I don’t believe it any more. Puede que te dijera eso pero ya no lo creo

I may have done that but I can’t remember. Puede que haya hecho eso pero ya no me acuerdo.



As of tomorrow…

As of now, I’m going to take English seriously.

As of tomorrow you’ll be the new sales manager.

As of today I’m going to do more sport.

Since the meeting last week you haven’t been the same person. No eres…

As of two weeks’ time we won’t have any problems with money. Dentro de dos semanas.

Two weeks’ time: En el tiempo de 2 semanas.


As of March we’ll be in the new office. A partir de marzo…

From now on, I promise it won’t happen again. De ahora en adelante te prometo que no volverá a ocurrir.

Quizá “from now on” suena más natural que “as of now”.



Now, we're going to look at four different meanings of the verb 'TO DO', the first one is 'TO STUDY' okay? when we're talking about doing a subject at University; He did maths, he did physics, I'm doing law. It's another way of saying 'To study' a very common use of the verb 'To do' in fact.

We’re doing 18th century history at the moment. Estamos estudiando en este momento Historia del siglo 18.

I did French and Italian at University. Estudié filología francesa e italiana…

What do you want to do at University? ¿Qué quieres estudiar…?

We’re doing Romantic Poetry next term. Vamos a estudiar el próximo trimestre la poesía romántica.

Term: Trimesters.


The next meaning of “to do” is when something is ENOUGH, when is SUFFICIENT


That’ll do! Please shut up! ¡Ya está bien! ¡Por favor callaos!

Two spoonfuls will do me. 2 cucharadas me serán suficientes (me hacen)

Two thousand will do me fine. Serán más que suficientes

Will that do you? ¿Eso es bastante para ti? That’ll do at the moment!


The next; “TO DO “X” KILOMETERS PER HOUR” means “IR A “X” km/h. ó ACUMULAR “X” km. en un coche.

You’re doing fifty in a thirty limit zone. Vas a 50 en un límite de 30

They were doing seventy km/p/h when they crashed.

Iban a 70km/h cuando se estrellaron

I’ve done over three thousand miles this month. He hecho más de…

My father’s car has only done 30,000 miles. …sólo tiene…

It’s a bargain at that price. Es una ganga a ese precio.

The last use of the verb “to do” we’re going to look at today is the following “DEDICARSE A UNA PROFESIÓN” in this case we only use for the interrogative.



The expression we're going to look at first of all today is the following 'Me alegro de haber hecho algo' okay? Decimos 'I'M GLAD + SUBJ. + SIMPLE PAST' I'm glad I came.

I’m glad I made the effort to come. …de haber hecho el esfuerzo de venir

I’m glad I had enough money on me to pay for a taxi. …de haber...encima…

I’m glad I found my credit card. …de haber encontrado…


Let's look now at few examples then with THE SECOND VERB IN THE NEGATIVE: Of course we use this expression in the negative of the past simple.

I’m glad I didn’t go to the party. …no haber ido a la fiesta

I’m glad I didn’t say anything. …no haber dicho nada

I’m glad I didn’t have to go to the conference. …no haber tenido que ir…

I’m glad I didn’t need to change my tyres. …no haber tenido…los neumáticos


Let's look now at a few examples in which the second subject changes: Me alegro de que tú, me alegro de que él, okay? very easy, the structure is exactly the same; I'm glad I came, I'm glad you came.

I’m glad my boss asked me to help him with the project. …de que mi jefe…


We'll look at a few examples now, again with the second verb in the negative.

I’m glad you didn’t have to call the plumber out. …de que no …fontanero

I’m glad she didn’t ask me to go. …de que ella no me pidiera o me haya…

I’m glad it didn’t rain. …de que no lloviera o haya llovido

I’m glad they couldn’t make it. …de que no pudieran venir o hayan podido

The verb 'To make it' means 'Poder venir o poder ir' I can’t make it. I can make it. No puedo ir o sí puedo ir.


Some times when we use this expression, we use it IN THE SARCASTIC WAY, okay? particularly when we use it in conjunction with the verb 'I BET' 'Apuesto' for example:

I bet you’re glad you came? ¿A qué te alegras de haber venido?

I bet you’re glad you got here early? ¿A qué te alegras de haber llegado temprano?

I bet you’re glad you helped him? ¿A qué te alegras de haberle ayudado?

I’m glad I bothered! De haberte molestado


Okay, another way of saying 'I'm glad' is to say 'I'M PLEASED'. 'I'm glad I came' can also be expressed in the follow way 'I pleased I came'. La extructura es exactamente la misma, okay? Let's look at a couple of examples before we move on to something else.

I’m pleased I finish the report last night. …de haber terminado…anoche

I’m pleased you let me know. …de que me avisaras

I’m pleased you did it. …de que lo hicieras


LOADS OF WORDS (Countable and uncountable nouns)

We're going to look at a few expression which we use when you in Spanish say 'Un mogollón de, un montón de' okay? There are lots of different ways of saying then: We can say; loads of something. We can say; there are stacks of something; there are stacks of books; there are stacks of cups; there are stacks of bottles; there are loads of bottles; there are piles of bottles. Piles, heaps and stacks, they all mean 'Pilas' literalmente 'Pilas de cosas'. Let's look at then; If you can give the Spanish, I shall have a go at giving you the English.

Curiosamente la preposición 'OF' A MENUDO SE PRONUNCIA 'A': Piles of <pailsa>, heaps of <jiipsa>, stacks of <staksa>.


Geoff has had loads of girlfriends. Geoff ha tenido un montón de novias

I’ve got lots of problems at work at the moment. …muchos problemas…

Goodness! You put stacks of sugar in your coffee! …pones un montón…

I’ve got heaps of things to do next week. Tengo una pila de cosas semana que viene.

I’ve got piles of work to do by the next Friday. Tengo una pila ...para el ...que viene.

Now you’re retired, you must have bags of time. Como te has jubilado debes de ...montón de tiempo

There was a bunch of people at the party. Había un montón ...en la fiesta.

This is very Nort American: A bunch of people. We don’t often use this in the U.K. 'A bunch' literalmente 'Un racimo'


He ate oodles of pasta last night. ...un montón...

Oodles of fun: Montón de divertido.


He must have a barrow-load of cash hidden in his house. ...un montón de dinero...

'A barrow-load' es todo lo que cabe en una carretilla.


So, we can basically interchange all of these; loads of, stacks of, piles of, heaps of. Okay and then all use on irregular basics. Okay so, it’s worth getting to know them.

If you wanna exaggerate even more we can say; piles and piles of, stack and stack of. I‘ve got loads and loads of, I’ve loads and loads of work to do, I’ve got piles and piles of work to do. I’ve got stacks and stacks of work to do, for example:

There were stacks and stacks of people at the launch. ...gran cantidad...

There are loads and loads of prizes to win.

Hacemos excepción con “bunch”.


THAT’S WHY…Por eso…

Now we're gonna focus on various uses of the word “way”. When in Spanish you say 'POR ESO'. In english we don’t, and I repeat, we never ever say “for that”; decimos 'THAT'S WAY'.

That’s why, I didn’t call you.

Let’s look at some more example then:

That’s why, they ran out of oxygen. Por eso es que se quedaron sin…

That’s why, the train braked suddenly. …frenó de repente

That’s why, they were late. …llegaron tarde

That’s why, we had to have the plumber out.

“To have the plumber out” means “hacer venir al fontanero”


Another similar expression is “THAT’S THE REASON WHY”, which means 'POR ESE MOTIVO'.

That’s the reason why, we decided to call off the meeting.

That’s the reason why, the factory closed down. …cerró definitivamente

That’s the reason why, the lorry overturned. …volcó el camión

That’s the reason why, the government increased income tax. …subió el “IRPF”


Let's look at an emphatic question which of course includes the word 'Why'. 'WHY ON EARTH…?' these mean '¿POR QUÉ DEMONIOS?'

Why on earth did you do that?

Why on earth didn’t you tell me?

Why on earth would she want to go out with someone like him? ...salir con...

Another expression which means exactly the same thing and it's just an emphatic is 'WHY IN THE WORLD...?'

Why in the world did he marry her? ¿Por qué demonios se casó con ella?

Why in the world didn’t you let the authorities know? Let me know.

Why in the world didn’t they try to do something about it? ¿…al respecto?

Why in the world did you go there for a holiday? ¿ vacaciones?



Why are you walking? I’m walking. Why are you walking? They’re studying. We are looking at you. Why is Teresa having lunch with you? Why are you talking to my boss? Why is your cousin writing a poem? Why is your dog sitting in my armchair? Get down from there!

Why is Darren’s mum cooking for ten? Why is Darren having a party? Do you work? Why do you work? Why does Charlie eat apples under his desk? Why do your wife phone you, drink wine in the dark?


Happy – Sad – Angry – Tired - Upset – Hungry – Thirsty – Full

Why is she sad? They’re tired because... Why are they tired? Christian’s upset because...Why is Christian upset? We’re thirsty because...Why are you thirsty? I’m hungry



It's on the table. He's a teacher. She's tall. It's not here.


What's this? That's not for me. He's English. She's from the United States



We’re gonna to look today at the differences between two verbs with often cause confusing for Spaniard; “to miss” with means “perder” en sentido de no coger, no ver, no oír, no marcar, pasar por alto e incluso no aprovechar.

She missed three mistakes in the text. Se le pasaron 3 errores en el texto.

Due to the traffic jam, we missed the match. tráfico nos perdimos el...

He missed a golden opportunity.

I can’t believe he missed the penalty. ...que fallara...

Sorry, I missed what you said. No oi lo que dijiste.

I missed the bus so I had to get a taxi. ...así que tuve que coger...

In the end, we missed the meeting. Al final nos perdimos...

I missed the first half of the concert.

Don’t worry; you didn’t miss much. No te perdiste gran cosa


I miss people with traditional values. Echo de menos…con valores…

I miss my mother’s cooking. La comida de mi madre

Mark really misses his mother. ...echa muchísimo de menos...

I miss he misses. Extraño que extraña

Peter misses his parrot a lot. Echa mucho de menos a su loro. Poor parrot!

Do you miss English humour?

I don’t miss anything from back home. No echo nada de menos de mi pueblo



I miss going for walks along the sea shore. ...a lo largo de la orilla del mar.

I miss going to concerts every week. Echo de menos ir ...

She misses going shopping with her friends. Echa de menos ir de compras…


'TO LOSE' 'PERDER (Objetos personales o no encontrar)' 'NO GANAR (Perder un partido)'

I lost the match. Perdí el partido.

I’ve lost my car keys I can’t find them anywhere. Por ninguna parte

I’m so absent-minded! I’m always losing things. Soy tan despistado que...

She always loses at cards. Siempre pierde a las cartas

They lost the match in the last minute.

I lost my grandmother when I was six.

Can you repeat that? You’re losing me. Me estás liando

I’m losing the plot. Estoy perdiendo el norte.


'TO GET LOST' Cuando decimos perderse 'Yo me perdí' no podemos decir 'I lost' sino 'I got lost' 'He gets lost' 'I often gets lost'

I got lost in the backstreets of Barcelona.

We got lost when we tried to take a shortcut. Intentamos coger un atajo

Get lost! Leave me alone!



Let’s look now at different uses of the verb “to make” perhaps uses that you’re not so familiar with. first of all starting with 'MAKE + AN ADJECTIVE' which means 'CAUSAR'

They give you olives in bars to make you thirsty. ...para darte sed

What he said made me very angry. Lo que dijo me dio mucha rabia

This conversation about seafood is making me hungry. ...sobre mariscos...

It makes me sad when he behaves like that. Me entristece…

Sitting in front of computer all day makes me tired. cansa.

All this food and wine is making me very sleepy. está dando mucho sueño.


I can make. I can’t make it.

Can you make it on Thursday afternoon at five o’clock?

I’m sorry I couldn’t make it at George’s christening. La “T” es muda al igual que Christmas.

I can’t make it before seven o’clock.

What time can you make it?

You made it! ¡Has podido venir!

He’ll never make it on time. Él nunca llegará a tiempo.

We can also use the verb “TO MAKE” when we are CALCULATING. Okay when you doing a sum in your head. Okay for example:

Four plus five, well I make it nine.

How much do you make it? ¿Cuánto te da?

I make it 346. A mi me da...

Are you sure you make it 346?

I make it 344

Well. I made it 344 the first time too.


Another example of when we use 'MAKE' is in the following context 'TO MAKE SOMETHING OF SOMETHING OR TO MAKE SOMETHING OF SOMEBODY' which means “LO QUE TE PARECE ALGO o ALGUIEN, o TENER LA IMPRESIÓN'. También significa 'ENTENDER'.

I can’t make anything of this e-mail. No entiendo nada...

I could make nothing of the speech. No entendía nada del discurso

I can’t make anything of these instructions. No entiendo nada de estas...

What do you make of her? ¿Qué te parece ella?

No solemos emplear esta estructura para las respuestas; Well, I think she’s nice / not very nices, etc.

I don’t make much of the new boss. No me dice mucho el nuevo jefe (No me hace mucho…).

What did you make of that film? ¿Qué te pareció aquella...?


When you’re talking about your normal job, talking about the money you earn, through your salary, we always say 'TO EARN MONEY'. It is a verb which has TWO ACCEPTABLE PASTS okay? I EARNED or I EARNT. On the other hand when you’re talking about a Company, we’d say; a company MAKES MONEY or in the private business venture for example; if you buying in selling shares on the stock market, you can make money. You can make money or lose money. And the same is true when you buy on yourself property. And finally, when you win money on the lottery, we can not say neither 'Earn' nor 'Make' but 'TO WIN'

How much did you earn? ¿Cuánto ganaste?

My boss earns more than I do. Mi jefe gana más que yo.

She can’t imagine how much she earns!


We made a fortune on the stock market.

We made 20 million pesetas when we sold our flat in Alicante.

She made a lot of money selling her paintings on the internet.

And finally the verb that you'll want ever need to use in the first person. TO WIN MONEY on the lottery (igual que en la bolsa)

How much can you win in this weekend’s draw ¿...en el sorteo de esta semana?



You had better pay attention. Had better means; Más vale que...y nunca cambia.

You had better. He had better. Siempre seguido del verbo básico; You had better go. You had better pay attention. He had better come. He had better pay any.

Contraction: You’d better. He’d better. I’d better.

You had better get up now. Más vale que te levantes ya.

He’d better be on time. Más le vale llegar punctual

We’d better be ready. Más nos vale estar preparados

You’d better stop crying when the boss comes. Más te vale dejar de llorar…

When we use this expression in the negative, we simply say:

YOU HAD BETTER NOT or YOU’D BETTER NOT. With the contraction; you’d better not go, you'd better not come.

You’d better not do that again.

They’d better not come here asking for money. Más les vale que no vengan aquí a pedir dinero.

We’d better not make the same mistake again. Más nos vale no cometer el mismo error otra vez.

When you want to use this structure IN THE INTERROTAIVE we don’t usually say; had I better do this? We usually say; do you think I’d better? That’s the common way of asking for advice, using this expression, for example:

Do you think I’d better phone them? ¿Crees que debería llamarles?

Do you think we’d better tell them? ¿Crees que deberíamos decírselo?

We seek some advice (uncountable). ...un consejo.



I’m giving it to him. Estoy dándoselo a él

They’re givining it to me. Están dándomelo o me lo están dando.

They’re givining them to me. Están dándomelos o Me los están dando

They’re giving it to you. Están dándotelo o te lo están dando

They’re giving it to him. Están dándoselo

They’re giving them to him. Están dándoselos

They’re giving it to her. Están dándoselo

They’re giving them to her. Están dándoselos o se los entán…

They’re giving it to us. Están dándonoslo o nos lo están…

They’re giving them to us. Están dándosnolo o nos los están…

They’re giving it to you. Están dándoselo

They’re giving them to you. Están dándoselos

I’m giving it to them. Estoy dándoselo a ellos

I’m giving them to them. Estoy dándoselos

Is she giving it to him with her right hand or with her left hand?

She’s giving it to him with her left hand.

Is Michael taking it from her with his right hand or with his left hand?


She’s giving Michael A book.


He’s showing Natasha a phone

TO SHOW means; Mostrar tanto para lo físico como para lo emocional. NO le sigue “TO”


What kind of telephone is he showing her? He’s showing her a mobile phone.

Is he showing it to her with his left hand or with his right hand?

Is he showing it to her in his office or in his house?

Is Ines buying gloves or umbrellas? She’s buying some gloves.

Is she buying them from a man or from a woman? She’s buying them from a woman.

Al igual que “to take” TO BUY TO – TO BUY FROM.


Is Ines paying for them in cash or with a credit card?

“TO PAY” casi siempre lleva la preposición “FOR”


Is the woman selling them to her in a shop or in the street?

Is the woman putting them on the table or in a bag?

She’s putting them in a bag.


Is Philip with his wife or with another woman? He’s with his wife.

Are they in front of a theatre or a football stadium?

Is he looking for football tickets or theatre tickets? Esta comprando entradas…

Ticket; significa tanto entrada cómo billete de viaje. Sin embargo el 'Tiquet' de compra se traduce por 'Receipt' con una 'P' silenciosa o 'Sales slip'.


Is the man offering him two tickets or one? ¿Está vendiéndole 2 entradas o 1?

He’s offering him two tickets. Está vendiéndole...

Is he offering them to him for $50 or for $20? ¿Se las está vendiedo por...?

He’s offering them to him for $50. Se las está vendiéndolas por...

Is he offering them to him for $50 each or for $50 total?

Is Philip taking the offer or thinking about it? Está ¿Está comprándolas...?

He’s thinking about it. Está pensándolo

What is Pierre showing his wife? Qué está enseñándole Pierre a su esposa?

He’s showing her some earrings. Le está enseñando unos pendientes

Is he showing them to her in their bedroom or in their living room?

¿Está enseñándoselos en su dormitorio o en su cuarto de estar?

He’s showing them to her in their bedroom. Se los está enseñando en su...

Is he showing them to her in the box or out of the box?

He’s showing them to her in the box. ¿Se los está enseñando en la caja...?


'TO ASK' Que es un verbo que también puede significar 'PEDIR' para que signifique eso tenemos añadir la preposión 'FOR' 'TO ASK FOR SOMETHING' 'PEDIR ALGO'

John is asking Mary for a book. Juan está pidiendo un libro a María.

Cuando tanto el C.D. como el C.I. son pronombres, siempre es; He's asking her for it. Él se lo está pidiendo.

Is he asking for something? Yes, he is.

Is he asking a man or a woman for something?

He’s asking a man for something. Está pidiendo algo a un hombre

Is he asking him for a cigarette or a cup of coffee?

He’s asking him for a cigarette. Está pidiéndole un cigarillo

Is he asking him for it in Chinese or in German?

Is the man giving him a cigarette or a cup of coffee?

Is he giving it to him with his right hand or with his left hand?

He’s giving it to him with his right hand.



Well, I’m fine, but a little bit bung up. Taponado decimos nosotros. 'A bung' es un tapón de corcho.

Today we're gonna look at sometnign which is really, really important. And at this! How to differenciate betwen the use of the verb 'To say' and the verb 'To tell'. Okay? both of these mean 'Say'. And Spaniards always get this wrong. Okay? The rule however is very simple; when we say something we use the verb 'To say', eg.. I said it was interesting however when we say something to someone, then we use the verb "to tell" eg. I told you it was interesting. He told you it was a good idea.

She said she would come. Dijo que que vendría

She told me she would come. Me dijo que vendría

We said, it wouldn’t work.

They told us there would be a storm. Nos dijeron que habría una tormenta

They said there would be a storm. Dijeron que…

I said I would tell her when I found out the reason. <ríiison>

Dije que se lo diría cuando me enterara del motive


I say it’s a good idea or I say that it’s a good idea.

He said (that) he would sign up for the course.

They said (that) they would think about it. Dijeron que se lo pensarían

We said (that) we thought it was a wonderful idea.

“Wonderful” synonyms ““Marvellous” <márvalas>

They said (that) they would make an effort.

I said what I thought. Dije lo que pensaba

She said what the cost would be in real terms….lo que sería el coste real

They said what the prospects were.

Dijeron cuales, eran las perspectivas (en sentido posibilidades)


We said everything we had to say

You only said what was on your mind. Sólo dijiste lo que tenías en la cabeza

El contexto de 'TE LO DIJE'; no decimos NUNCA 'I told you it' simplemente 'Te dije'.

I told you last week. No diríamos nunca 'I told you it...'.

Tell me. Dímelo. Please, tell me! Good!

Who told you?

When did they tell you?

I’m not going to tell you.


'TO THROW AWAY' means 'TIRAR A LA BASURA'. El pasado del verbo 'To throw'; Threw.

Don’t throw away those newspapers I need them.

Don’t throw those newspapers away I need them.

Clothes: Ropa

Why don’t you throw that radio away? It doesn’t even work

Incredible; es increible en un sentido muy, muy positivo. Mejor en este caso decir 'Unbelievable'

It’s unbelievable the amount of food that supermarkets have to throw away.

Staple: Grapa

To convince: Convencer

We gonna look at how sometimes we use the preposition 'AT' to give the idea of the fact that we want to hurt someone, okay? This and...happens with three verbs that I can think of 'TO SHOUT AT SOMEONE' 'TO LAUGH AT SOMEONE' and 'TO THROW SOMETHING AT SOMEONE'. So we look at each of the verb one by one, okay? And I'll show you how by change in the preposition 'To' 'At' the meaning changes and suddenly think gets really nasty, for example, let's start with 'TO SHOUT TO vs. TO SHOUT AT' Their clear differents, okay? depending when we use one proposition or the other.

I saw my friend Nicole and shouted to her. Vi a mi amiga Nicole y le grité.

When you shout to someone, you simply getting her attention; Hi, Nicole I'm over here!

She shouted at her husband for arriving late. Gritó a su marido por llegar tarde

'TO LAUGH WITH SOMEONE' que es reirnos con alguien or 'TO LAUGH AT SOMEONE' reírnos a expensas de otro.

We laughed at Bob.

Y lo mismo ocurre con el verbo 'TO THROW' podemos decir 'TO THROW SOMETHING TO SOMEONE'; I can't throw it to you. Sin embargo si digo; I'm gonna throw the pen at you. Sería el momento para que tú te agaches.

I threw the pen to James or I threw James the pen. Le tiré el bolígrafo a James

I threw the pen at James.



Es el tiempo verbal que empleamos cuando hablamos de una acción futura que habrá acabado antes de otro momento futuro.


I will have finished; Suj + will have + participle

I wll have done - You will have done - He will have done - They will have done.


By the time + present simple; by the times he comes by the times he finished, by the time I left.

Tray to say all the word together; They will have lef.

I’ll have finished the project by the end of April. Now just at now beginning to contract 'I will' 'I'll have' okay?

She’ll have made up her mind by the end of the year. Se habrá decidido para finales de año.

When you're talking about something that you will have done "para tal feche" we say 'By'; by march, by the end of the yea, by next week. Okay?

Let's move on now to a few examples IN THE NEGATIVE, which is really just as easy as the affirmative, because it never changes; I won't have done. She won't have done. They won't have done. 'WON'T HAVE + PARTICIPLE'.

I won’t have finished my novel by Friday. No habré finalizado…para el viernes

She won’t have had time to buy everything by the time you want to leave.

No habrá comprar todo para cuando tú quieras irte.

I won’t have got the hang of this new program by next Monday.

No habre cogido el truco a este...

How do we ask questions then IN THE FUTURE PERFECT? We simply invert 'Will' by the subject. Okay? He will have gone. Will he have gone?

Will the tan marks have disappeared by the wedding? ...las marcas del bikini...

Will you have had time to read the report by next week? Habrás tenido...

How do you fancy a little verb at passive now? ¿Te apetece? Good, then we're gonna look at some.

The future perfect of course can also be expressed IN THE PASSIVE VOICE and again is very, very easy because there is only one form. Okay? for example: The road will have been repair by next week. Okay? 'WILL HAVE BEEN + PARTICIPLE' FUTURE PERFECT

The decision will have been made by the time next week.

Se habrá tomado la decisión a estas alturas de la semana que viene.

All the trees will have been cut down by the end of the month.

Se habrán talado todos los árboles para finales de mes.

The building will have been knocked down by Friday at the latest.