Let’s look at eight new words then, starting with:
Ivory: Marfil; the ivory cost –To slurp: What people do when they’re drinking or eating soup; sorber –A key: Una tecla, una llave –A keyboard: Un teclado
Stubble: Rastrojo, barba de 3 días -An omen: Un augurio, presagio
To padlock: Cerrar con candado -A saw: Una sierra -A fine: Una multa.
Let’s look at some examples then:
He looks good with that stubble. Se ve bien con esa barba
Stop slurping your soup!
I need a saw to cut down the tree. …para talar el árbol
Did you padlock your bike?
I saw “saw” whilst I had a saw in my hands
The Ivory trade shoul be banned
The man was fined just under twenty thousand dollars for reckless driving. …por conducir de forma temeraria
The Bourbon dynasty lasted over three centuries in France. …duró más de…
Starting with the verb:
To avoid: Evitar –Proud: Orgulloso –Rude: Maleducado, grosero –A surprice: Una sorpresa
Capacity: Capacidad) –Especially: Sobre todo, especialmente –According to: Según
A pipe: Una pipa, un tubo.
Let’s look at some examples then:
Confrontation: Confrontaciones es singular
Everyone is very proud of you. Todo el mundo…
Don’t be so rude!
Men are from Mars and women are from Venus according to this book.
Avoid asking too many questions. Evita hacer demasiadas…
Don’t look! It’s a surprise.
Children have a great capacity for learning.
I don’t especially like studying English but this course has inspired me!
According to this map it’s just around the corner. …justo en la esquina.
Don’t touch that pipe. It’s very hot.
It’s time to look at eight more words. This time we’re going to start with the word:
Arrow: Flecha –To stir: Remover –Pebble: Guijarro) –A bandage: Una venda
A cabbage: Una col -To kidnap: Secuestrar, raptar –A tadpole: Un renacuajo
A walking stick: Un bastón.
Okay, let’s look at some examples then:
Are you sure that tadpoles like cabbage?
Where have you hidden Granddad’s walking stick?
Then you must have forgotten to stir it.
Jenny found a pebble sheped like a frog. …con forma de
AGE; ending of “bandages” is pronounced exactly the same as the “AGE” ending of cabbage; a cabbage and bandage (así como una “I” latina “ch”.
Go and get some bandages quickly! ¡Ve y trae vendajes, rápido!
I can’t stand it! I can’t stand the traffic; I can’t stand the tension; I can’t stand the pression.
They said on the news that another soldier has been kidnapped
If you don’t take the lid off the jar, the tadpoles will die
King Harold of England was killed by an arrow.
Don’t forget to stir his tea; I’ve put two sugars in it.
“To stir” is pronouced “sster” and “to steer” is pronounced “sstir” means; ir al volante
Reading: Leyendo –Coming into: Entrando –Bringing: Trayendo -Smiling: Riendo
Opening: Abriendo –A Tray: Una bandeja -A Dress: Un vestido –Shorts: Pantalones cortos
Sitting or Standing -Skirt: Falda.
Is she sitting on the floor or in an armchair?
Is she standing? She’s sitting.
Is she carrying a folder? Is she carrying a briefcase?
To carry: Llevar
What’s she carrying? She’s carrying a try. Is there a bottle of wine on the try?
Is there a bottle of water on the try? What is there on the try?
How many cups of coffe are there on the try?
What’s she listening to? We’re listening to something. We’re listening to music.
We’re listening to the radio. You are listening to me. I’m listening to you too.
Is the table behind the armchair? Is it next to it?
Is she talking on the phone? What’s she doing?
Is Paula wearing a dress? What’s she wearing? She’s wearing shorts.
Let’s look at eight more words, then, starting with:
Signature: Firma –Capable of (v+ing): Capaz de –Wind: Viento –Main: Principal
Success: Exito –Thief: Ladrón –Square: Cuadrado –To imagine: Imaginar
Everyone is capable of speaking a foreign language.
En el 95% de verbos que siguen a una preposición van en gerundio (v+ing).
Are you capable of pronouncing the word “project” correctly?
My main worry is that the thief will strike again. …atacara de nuevo.
Are you sure that this is your signature?
There’s not wind today.
I’ll do it as soon as I have time.
The wind blew the man’s hat off. Se llevó el sombrero del hombre
The success; enfatizando la segunda sílaba.
The thief took all my wife’s jewellery.
Let’s look at eight more words then, starting with:
Playful: Juguetón –Curb: Bordillo –Obnoxious: Detestable –To backfire: Salir mal un plan
Saffron: Azafrán –Farmyard: Corral –Pillow: Almohada –Gibberish: Galimatías
Gibber: Inteligible.
Saffron is so expensive. This pillow is very hard.
There were a lot of animals in the farmyard
What a load of gibberish!
You’ll get a fine if you park on the curb. Te pondrán una multa si…
To curb: Controlar; junto a “anger (ira), instincts and spending”
I can’t stand it when you’re obnoxious like that.
I think your great idea is about to backfire! …de salir mal
You need real saffron to make a great paella. Hace falta azafrán auténtico…
My son loves farmyard animals.
Un sustantivo puede funcionar cómo adjetivo si se coloca justo antes del otro sustantivo que describe.
Why don’t you ask reception for another pillow? …pides en recep…
Do we have to listen to this gibberish? …todo este galimatías?
Walking: Andando –Running: Corriendo) –Raining: Lloviendo –Calling: Llamando
A T-shirt: Una camiseta –Trousers: Pantalones –Jumper: Jersey -A skirt: Una falda.
Is he walking or running? Is he walking quickly or slowly? He’s walking quickly.
Is it raining?
Let’s look at eight more words then and today is a little list as going to begin with:
Basement: Sótano –Telephone book: Guía telefónica –Funny: Gracioso/raro –Weight: Peso
A Race: Una carrera –Wrong: Equivocado –Carpet: Moqueta –To appoint: Nombrar
The Police searched everywhere apart from the basement. …salvo en el sótano
You won’t find his number in the telephone book.
There was a funny smell emanating from the parlour. …olor raro…del salon.
Se tiende a confundir “funny” (gracioso o raro) con “fun” (divertido). Las fiestas son “fun” los chistes son “funny”
All the food in that shop is sold by weight. …se vende al peso
“weight” se pronuncia igual que “to wait”
I think they’ve made the wrong decision.
The cat has been sick all over the carpet. …ha vomitado por toda…
To be sick: Vomitar.
George has been appointed president again.
Did you see the race last night?
Dan’s jokes are never funny.
That carpet is the wrong colour.
Let’s look at eight more words then, starting with:
To doodle; which it's something you like doing: Garabatear; exactly –To print: Imprimir
A root: Una raiz -Kettle: Hervidor; the most important domestic appliance of any English household, the kettle is what we boil water with, to make a Te –A Leek: Puerro
A Leak: Una gotera –Paunch: Panza –Receding hairline: Retroceso de la línea del pelo; entradas en el pelo.
You can tell; se nota que….
Wales – National
Most middle-aged men develop a paunch….una panza
My father cooks the most delicious leek soup!
Stop doodling when I’m talking to you! Deja de garabatear…
We must mend that leak on the roof! …gotera…
You’re starting to get a receding hairline.
That tree has particularly large roots. Unas raíces particularmente grandes
It’s more than a receding-hairline; your fringe starts at your neck!
A sweep-over; cubrirse la calva con el pelo largo
A tie: Una corbata –A cap: Una gorra –Snowing: Nevando –Windy: Ventoso –Cold: Frío
Hot: Calor –What’s the weather like? ¿Qué tiempo hace?
To Raid: Asaltar
Con todos los medios de transporte utilizamos la preposición “on”: on a bus, on a train, on a plane, on a bike, except; in a car, in a truck or lorry.
Is Li Tong walking? Is he ridding a horse? He’s riding (on) a bicycle.
Is the boy ridding a bicycle too? Is he sitting or standing?
Is he holding a toy soldier? Tiene en la mano un soldado de juguete?
Is he holding a toy truck? What’s he holding? ¿Qué tiene en la mano?
Is it raining? What’s the weather like? It’s snowing. Is it windy too? Is it hot? No is not.
Is it cold? Is Li Tong wearing a cup? Is the boy wearing a cup too? Is Li Tong wearing a tie?
Let’s look at eight more exciting words, starting with:
The mail: El correo –Valuable: Valioso –In fact: De hecho –Previous: Anterior
Storm: Tormenta –Message: Mensaje –Ugly: Feo –Bell: Campana /timbre.
Okay, let’s look at some examples then:
Has the mail arrived this morning? U.K. says; the post.
I have some valuable information.
Did you know that painting you have could be valuable?
Did you get my message? ¿Recibiste…?
In fact, I’ve known for two weeks. (Pres perf); De hecho lo sé desde hace dos semanas.
Have you remembered all the vocabulary of the previous instalment?
There was a storm last night. Didn’t you hear it?
Someone has left a massage for you on your desk. En tu mesa de trabajo
Everyone thought she was ugly when she was little. Now she’s a top model.
Did you hear the bell ring? Or doorbell
Okay it’s time to look at eight more words then, starting with:
Desktop: Escritorio del ordenador –A weak point: Un punto débil
A strong point; un punto fuerte –A steering wheel: Un volante –When driving: Al volante
Cash machine or hole in the wall: Cajero automatic –Tolilet paper: papel higiénico; roll bag (informalmente), toilet roll, loo roll.
A door mat; un felpudo –A zip: U.K.; una cremallera.
Your desktop is really messy.
My biggest weak point is my lack of patience.
I know I’m disaster but I must have some strong point.
Maths is my strong point.
Keep your hands on the steering wheel!
You can’t use your mobile when driving.
I need to get some money out of a cash machine.
I need to go to the cash machine before we go to the pub.
Don’t forget to buy some toilet paper when you go to the supermarket.
Wipe your feet on the door mat; your shoes are absolutely filthy.
Límpiate los pies en el felpudo, tus zapatos están asquerosos.
My jacket zip is stuck.
U.K; your zip is undone or your flies are open (referido a la bragueta)
U.S; your zipper is undone or your fly is open (referido a la bragueta)
My zip is always getting stuck. Mi cremallera se atasca continuamente
That’s the reason why I’m determined to stay. Pore ese motivo…empeñado…
Why on earth didn’t you take that into account? ¿...no lo tuviste en cuenta?
Filling: Llenando -A filling: Un empaste –Spaghetti: Espaguetis –Fork: Tenedor
Spoon: Cuchara –Plate: Plato –Bowl: Cuenco –Rice: Arroz –Chopsticks: Palillos
Dish: Para referirnos a una receta; it’s a traditional Spanish dish.
Course: Para referirnos a una parte de la comida; the menu of the day has three courses
To fill and to feel: We pronounce; fil and fiiil.
To pour (verter): He’s pouring some wine
What’s he eating? He’s eating spaghetti. Is Aki eating spaghetti too? No, he’s not.
What’s he eating? He’s eating rice. Is the rice on a plate? No, it’s not.
Is the rice in a bowl? Yes, it is. Is Luiggi holding a glass of wine? What’s he holding?
He’s holding a fork and a spoon. Is Aki holding a fork and a spoon too? No, he’s not.
What’s he holding? He’s holding a bottle of wine. What’s he doing with the bottle of wine?
He’s filling Luiggi’s glass with wine.
Tomar: To have lunch; to have breakfast; to have dinner; to have a beer.
What’s he using? He’s using chopsticks.
Let’s look at eight more exciting dynamics words, starting with the word:
Attitude; Actitud –Event: Acontecimiento –A complaint: Queja/reclamación
Fluent: Suelto/fluido –Fortunately/luckily: Afortunadamente –Owner: Dueño –Routine: Rutina Address: Dirección/señas.
We saw the event from our balcony. Vimos el acontecimiento desde nuestro balcón
Enrique speaks fluent Greek.
Fortunately, we didn’t hear the traffic during the night.
Did the owner of the bar tell you what happened last night?
Children need routine in their lives. Los niños necesitan la rutina…
Could you write your current address here, please? ¿…su dirección actual…?
Did you know that the owner speaks fluent English? ¿…el dueño...con fluidez?
Fortunately, everybody accepted our routine.
I can’t find Paul’s address.
Let’s look at eight more words then, starting with:
To draw conclusions: Sacar conclusions; we usually draw conclusions and we don’t reach them. –A shoplifter: Un ladrón de tiendas –A logo: Un logotipo –A painkiller: Un calmante
Foolproof (adj.): Infalible –Loopy: Chiflado –Disgrace: Vergüenza –Alligator: Caimán
Let’s hope the new security system is more effective against shoplifters than the old one.
….que el nuevo…sea más…los ladrones…que el viejo.
I have a terrible backache. I think I’m going to take a painkiller.
This idea is foolproof. Your infallible idea doesn’t work any more
All the members of the creative team are completely loopy!
What a disgrace! ¡Qué vergüenza!
Can you tell the difference between crocodiles and alligators?
Can you? No, I can’t either.
Alone: Solo/a –Headphones: Cascos/auriculares –Doing homework: hacer los deberes
Video game: Videojuego –Potato ships: patatas fritas en E.U –Crisps: Patatas fritas en U.K.
Aerial: Antenna –Slippers: Zapatillas.
Is Nancy Johnson alone? Is Denise eating crisps? She’s doing her homework. What’s Denise wearing on her head? She’s wearing headphones or she’s wearing some headphones.
Is there an aerial on the T.V.? Is she wearing some slippers?
Okay, let’s look at eight more words then, starting with:
Assistant: Ayudante; Helper (menos formal) –Suddenly: De repente
Tip: Propina -To convince: Convencer –Dangerous: Peligroso
Gesture: Gesto/detalle –To empty: Vaciar -Staple: Grapa.
It’s dangerous to go swimming just after you’ve had lunch.
That was a nice gesture. Eso fue todo un detalle.
How can we convince them?
Are sharks really dangerous? ¿...peligrosos de verdad?
It was a symbolic gesture. Fue un detalle simbólico
Empty your pockets right way. Vacía tus bolsillos ahora mismo
Be careful of the staple sticking out! Ten cuidado con la grapa que sobresale
Detalle: Suele traducirse por; detail (pronunciamos; diiiteil) or a small gift. La frase de arriba es una excepción.
Okay, let’s look at eight more exciting words, starting with:
Slippery: Resbaladizo –Daunting: Desalentador/sobrecogedor -Head Start: Ventaja
Wicked: Malvado, genial coloquialmente -To yell: Gritar -To giggle: Reir tontamente
Oyster: Ostra –Hairspray: Laca/fijador.
Okay, let’s look at some examples then:
Be careful! The steps are very slippery….resbalan mucho
After they polished the floor, it was so slippery that you couldn’t walk on it.
…que no se podía pisar.
The job can seem a bit daunting at first, but you soon get used to it.
If you want a head start, I’ll give you five seconds. (An advantage)
Children who are brought up to be bilingual have a head start…que se crían…
Did you see the wicked witch twitch? …moverse un poco a la bruja malvada?
That was wicked! ¡Eso fue genial!
John doesn’t yell at umpires as much as he used to. No grita a los árbitros tanto cómo antes
When he gets nervous, he giggles like a schoolgirl….se pone nervioso, ríe…
Are you telling me that they poisoned his oysters? ¿…envenenaron sus ostras?
She must get through stacks and stacks of hairspray. Debe gastar montones y montones...
BY THE TIME: Para cuando
BY ANY MEANS: Para nada, de ningún modo
They’ll have already sold the house by the time we manage to save up enough money for the deposit. Ya habrán vendido…para cuando…ahorrar…para la fianza
The company won’t have recovered by the time the new legislation is introduced
….no se habrá recuperado para cuando se introduzca…
YET: No obstante, sin embargo, pero.
It rained throughout the whole fortnight. And yet, we managed to see lots of things.
Llovió durante toda la quincena completa. No obstante, pudimos ver…
She wasn’t the favourite by any means. And yet, she won the race.
They have many financial difficults. Yet they seem happy enough.
Tiene muchas dificultades. No obstante parecen bastante felices
YET MORE: Aún más
Yet more people came to the second performance.
Aún más personas llegaron a la segunda representación
Yet more books were sold on the internet. Aún fueron vendidos más…
Sleeping: Durmiendo –Looking out: Mirando por –Grapes: Uvas –Walking stick: Bastón
Seat: Asiento –Boots: Botas –Scarf: Bufanda –Elderly man: Anciano
Who is she with? Is she with a woman and an elderly man?
Are they in a car? No, they’re not. Are they on a plane? Where are they? They’re on a train.
What’s the woman eating? She’s eating some grapes.
Are they sitting in armchairs? No, they’re not. Are they sitting on sofas?
What are they sitting on? They’re sitting on seats
Is Natasha wearing a scarf? Is the woman wearing one?
What colour is her scarf?
Is the woman looking out the window? Is it sunny outside? Is it raining?
What’s the weather like? It’s snowing
Is Natasha wering a hat, is the elderly man wearing a scarf?
TO WORK AS…What do you do?
I work as a teacher.
A doctor: Mèdico –A lawyer: Abogado –A builder: Albañil
A firefighter or a fireman: Bombero and a policeman or a poliswoman
Waiter; a waitress: Camarero/a –Actor/Actress: Actor/Actriz –A cook: Cocinero
(Cooker: Oven) and a farmer: Grangero – Administrative Assistant: Auxiliar adm.
What does Ben do? He works as a cook.
What does Keith do? She works as a lawyer.
What do Simon and Jane do? They work as builders.
What does your brother do? He works as a policeman.
What does Emely do? She works as an Actress.
What do your parents do? They work as teachers.
What does Martin do? What does Russel do? He works as a firefighter.
What does Linda do? She works as a waitress.
Jim and Lin Don’t works as doctors. My sister does’n work as an actress.
Dilia doesn’t work as a cook.
Do you work as lawyers? ¿Trabajáis como abogados?
Do you work as a lawyer? ¿Trabajas como abogado?
Okay, let’s look at eight more words then, starting with the adjective:
Acceptable: Aceptable –Ability: Capacidad/Aptitud –Liability: Pasivo -Incomplete: Incompleto
To bother: Molestar –Unfair: Injusto –Engine: Motor –Reason: Razón/motivo
To afford: Permitirse el lujo de algo.
This level of service is not acceptable for a five-star hotel
Everyone has the ability to speak a foreign language.
If you deduct your liabilities from your assets you get the net worth of your company.
Si restas los pasivos de los activos, tienes el patrimonio neto de tu empresa.
My summer holidays would be incomplete without a swim in the sea.
Don’t bother your father while he’s working, dear.
To disturb is a synonyms of to bother.
TO MOLEST is a false friend, means; ABUSAR SEXUALMENTE.
Do people who speak English have an unfair advantage?
Switch off the engine while you’re waiting.
That’s not a reason to destroy the environment. Eso no es motive para…el medio ambiente.
Motive; se emplea más en contextos judiciales.
I can’t afford a new car.
Okay, let’s look at eight more words, the first of which is:
Door handle: Picaporte –Hinges: Bisagras –A door bell: Un timbre –A beaver: Un castor
A gearstick (U.K) or a gearshift (E.U): Una palanca de cambios
A boot (U.K) or a trunk (E.U): Un maletero –Squeaky: Chirriante) –Slippers: Zapatillas
We say; the handle has come off the door.
The door handle has come off the bathroom door….se ha salido de la…
As usually the handle is “on” the door: Cuando se cae decimos; it comes off.
The door handle came off in my hand. Me quedé con el picaporte en la mano
Decimos normalmete ON: The gearstick ON my car. Para las partes del coche.
I think the gearstick on my car is stuck….está atascada.
TO OIL: Lubricar
I need to oil the hinges on the bedroom door as they’re really squeaky.
Ring the door bell and see if there’s anybody at home. Llama…y mira…
When we were walking by the river, we saw a pair of beavers building a dam.
Cuando íbamos paseando por el río vimos un par…una madriguera.
I can’t find my slippers! ¡No encuentro mis zapatillas!
That won’t fit in my boot….no cabrá en mi maletero
Door handle: Picaporte
You’ll have to knock; the door bell doesn’t work.
If you had been born in 1907, you would be more than 100 years old.
If you had a better relationship with your boss, He would have given you a rise.
Si tuvieses una mejor relación…te habría dado un aumento.
Hinge –Sea Bream –Squeaky