Do you think sales will go up significantly next month? Yes, I think sales will go up significantly next month.

Has productivity risen significantly so far this month? Yes, productivity has risen significantly so far this month.

Are sales shooting up at the moment? Yes, sales are shooting up at the moment

Merger: Fusión

Have sales rocketed so far this month? Yes, sales have rocketed so far this month

When it stops raining will you come out for a walk? ¿Cuándo deje de llover, vendrás a dar un paseo?

It will be too late when you’re fifty. Será demasiado tarde cuando tegas 50 años

To take over: Absorber

I like red wine. Me gusta el vino tinto

Breakdown: desglose


The ex-director was caught embezzling funds. Pillaron al ex-director malversando fondos. Malversar: Apropiarse o destinar los caudales públicos a un uso ajeno a su function

You should invest the money in the stock market. Deberías invertir el dinero en bolsa

I would work harder if I earned more money. Trabajaría más si ganara más…

Trade union: Sindicato

Do you think sales will go down considerably next month? Yes, I think sales will go down considerably next month

Do you think productivity will fall considerably next month? Yes I think productivity will fall considerably next month

Are sales dropping dramatically at the moment? Yes, sales are dropping dramatically at the moment

Mortgage: Hipoteca

Did sales go down considerably last month? Yes, sales went down considerably last month.

Do you think sales will plummet next month? Yes, I think sales will plummet next month.

To purchase: Comprar, adquirir

Most players are right-footed. La mayoría de los jugadores son diestros

Bankrupt: Bancarrota


Can we reschedule the meeting for next week. Podemos reprogramar (cambiar) la reunión para la semana que viene <reskediul>

There have been a lot of ups and downs in sales. Ha habido muchos altibajos…

We’re not meetind the demand very well. No estamos atendiendo bien la demanda

Expenses: Gastos

We plan to reject the offer or we plan to turn down the offer. Tenemos intención de rechazar la oferta

Is it well packaged? ¿Biene bien embalado?

Loan: préstamo

The people who survived were lucky. La gente que sobrevivió tuvo suerte

To peak (alcanzar su nivel más alto)

Do ice-cream sales always peak in the summer? Yes, ice-cream sales always peak in the summer.

Branch: sucursal

Do you think car sales will remain steady next month? Yes, car sales will remain steady next month.

Do lawn-mower sales always fall off in the autumn? Yes, lawn-mower sales always fall off in the autumn.

Have tool-box sales picked up this week? Yes, tool-box sales have picked up this week.


Why won’t we be able to reach the summit? Por qué no podremos alcanzar la cumbre?

The auction will take place next Thursday. La subasta tedrá lugar el jueves próximo

They have a big problem with accrued liabilities. Tienen un problema gordo con las obligaciones acumuladas

To finance: financiar

Depreciation might stay at 14.7%. Puede que la amortización se quede en el...

There was a serious misappropriation of funds. Hubo una gran malversación de fondos

The sales forecast turned out to be useful. La prevision de ventas resultó útil

Account: Cuenta

My thumb throbbed in the thunderstorm. Mi dedo gordo latió en la tormenta eléctrica

I have a splitting headache. Tengo un dolor de cabeza espantoso

Shareholder: accionista

I keep feeling hot and cold. Estoy destemplado

I woke up covered in sweat. Me desperté empapado en sudor

You’re coming out in a rash. Te está saliendo un sarpullido


Will you keep your cards close to your chest this time? Yes, I’ll keep my cards close to my chest this time (guardaré mis cartas cerca de mi pecho esta vez)

Are you telling me you have a card up your sleeve? Yes, I’m telling you I have a card up my sleeve

Are we going to lay our cards on the table? Yes, we’re going to lay our cards on the table

Have they played their cards right this time? Yes, they’ve played their cards right this time

To invoice / to check in: facturar

I want you to organize a meeting. Quiero que organices una reunion

I want everybody to attend. Quiero que todo el mundo asista

Does the company have any long term plans? ¿Tiene la empresa planes a largo plazo?

Operating costs: Costes de explotación

The general election was very close. Las elecciones generales fueron muy igualadas

Do I have to check in this suitcase? ¿Es necesario facturar esta maleta?

CEO: director general “Chief Executive Officer”

Snobs scoff snails with a spoon. Los Snobs engullen caracoles con una cuchara

The supplier said it was out of stock. El proveedor dijo que estaba agotado

Close: adj. Igualados. Adv. Cerca.


Will the suppliers be short of stock if we double our order? Yes, the suppliers will be short of stock if we double our order. Si, estarán cortos de existencias si doblamos nuestro pedido

Have our warehouses been overstocked lately? Yes, our warehouses have been overstocked lately. Si, nuestros almacenes están sobrados de existencias…

Did you sell out of scarves last winter? Yes, we sold out of scarves last winter. Si, se agotaron las bufandas el pasado invierno

Promover; to promote

The dream team swam in the dam. El equipo de ensueño nadó en el embalse

I know a shortcut through the financial distrit. Conozco un atajo por el distrito financier

Anuncio; advertisement

It’s possible to pay in instalments over 4 months. Es posible pagar a plazos en cuatro meses

Even profitable companies can go bankrupt/bust. Incluso las empresas rentables pueden quebrar

Equipo de vendedores; sales force

This agreement is binding. Este acuerdo es vinculante

Don’t fall for the oldest trick in the book. No te tragues un truco tan viejo

His line is busy. Please hold. Está comunicando. No se retire por favor


My neighbour’s son is a very naughty boy. El hijo de mi vecino es un niño muy travieso

He took her to a very romantic place. La llevó a un lugar muy romantico.

Did the manufacturer launch any new products last year? Yes, the manufacturer launched several products last year.

“Forecast” previsión

Is the manufacturer about to withdraw the product? Yes, the manufacturer is about to withdraw the product.

Will the manufacturer redesign this product in one year’s time? Yes, the manufacturer will redesign this product in one year’s time (en plazo de un año)

Shipment; envío

We got really good seats! ¡Conseguimos unas entradas muy buenas!

A conflict solution will have to be guaranteed. Habrá que garantizar una solución al conflicto.

Product line; línea de productos

I’ve done ten hours overtime. He hecho 10hs. extra.

Do you mind not smoking in the meeting room? ¿Te importa no fumar en la sala de reuniones?

I’m so sorry. It completely slipped my mind. Lo siento mucho. Se me olvidó por completo.


Are you thinking of going? ¿Piensas ir?

A very tense conversation: They had a conversation which was very tense. Mantuvieron una conversación muy tensa

Will your company go bankrupt if you don’t reduce expenses? Yes, our company will go bankrupt if we don’t reduce expenses.

Decline: declive

Do most manufacturers incur losses in a recession? Yes, most manufacturers incur losses in a recession.

Have you been in profit all year? Yes, we have been in profit all year. Si, hemos tenido beneficios todo el año

To update: actualizar

There are minimum acceptance levels of performance. Hay niveles mínimos aceptables de rendimiento

He has the skills to carry out the said tasks. Tiene las habilidades de realizar (llevar a cabo) dichas tareas.

Leave of absence: excedencia

We’re going to decide on the product launch date. Vamos a decidir la fecha de lanzadmiento del producto.

Overview: esbozo general

 I’ll include the advertising for other product lines. Incluiré la publicidad de otras líneas de producto.



There were a load of people at the concert. Había un mogollón de gente en el concierto.

What’s today’s exchange rate? Cuál es el tipo de cambio de hoy?

To reimburse (reembolsar)

Will the management lay off staff if cuts are necessary? Yes, the management will lay off staff if cuts are necessaty.

Has your company fired many people this year? Yes, my company has fired many people this year.

Did the company take on any new staff last quarter? Yes, the company took on some new staff last quarter.

R&D (I + D)

Does the accounts department normally hire wisely? Yes the accounts department normally hires wisely.

Have you seen Goya’s prints in The Prado? Has visto los grabados de Goya en El Prado?

To sponsor (patrocinar)

I’ll have the steak medium rare. Voy a tomar el filete más bien poco hecho.

To promote (ascender)

She wants to know what the account balance is. Quiere saber cual es el saldo de la cuenta.


Don’t you wait for the rest. No esperes a los demás.

Did your boss set you many objectives last year? Yes, my boss set me many objectives last year. Te marcó muchos objetivos tu jefe el año pasado?

Did you think the company will meet its objectives next year? Yes, I think the company will meet its objectives next year. …cumplirá sus…

To manage (dirigir)

Do company stocks over-perform every year? Yes, company stocks over-perform every year. …da mejores resultados a los previstos todos los años.

Would you under-perform if your job were guaranteed for life? ¿Darías peores resustados a los previstos si tu trabajo estuviera garantizado de por vida?

Yes, I would under-perform if my job were guaranteed for life.

To charge (cobrar)

Another company is going to be merged very soon. Otra empresa va a fusionarse muy pronto.

That procedure has been done several times. Ese procedimiento se ha hecho varias veces.

Accounting (contabilidad)

I prefer fixed income securities. Prefiero renta fija.

Recruitment (reclutamiento) <recrúitment>.

I’d like to withdraw some money from my savings account. Me gustaría sacar algo de dinero de mi cuenta de ahorros.

Jeremy is prone to crying every three Fridays. Jeremy es propenso a llorar cada tres viernes.


Are the laws on paying duty going to change one day? Yes, the laws on paying duty are going to change one day. ¿Algún día van a cambiar las leyes sobre el impuesto de mercancías?

Do a lot of drugs get smuggled into the country? Yes, a lot of drugs get smuggled into the country. Sí, el país tiene mucho contrabando de drogas.

Faulty wiring causes most of these fires. Las instalaciones eléctricas defectuosas causan la mayoría de estos incendios.

Approach (enfoque)

The sprinkler system didn’t work either. El sistema de aspersores tampoco funcionaba.

The hurricane has cost reinsurance billions of dollars. S+V+C.I.+C.D. El huracán ha costado billones de dólares a los reaseguradores.

Scarcity (escasez)

He’s trying to confuse me. Él está tratando de confundirme.

I feel that my position is being weakened. Siento que se está debilitando mi posición.

Business class (clase preferente)

He won’t even make the smallest of concessions. Ni siquiera hará las concesiones mínimas.

Retailers (minoristas)

He’s holding his ground. Se aferra a su posición.

This room needs to be tiled. Hay que alicatar esta habitación.

Can you pass me the screwdriver? Me puedes pasar el destornillador


Do you think we should sue? ¿Crees que deberíamos demandar?

We could sue the pants off them! ¡Podríamos dejarles en bragas!

We’ve ceded some exposure to another company. Hemos cedido algo de riesgo a otra compañía.

Are you able to communicate in a clear way? ¿Eres capaz de comunicar de forma clara?

Part-time: tiempo parcial.

What is your plan of execution? Cuáles son tus planteamientos?

What are your objectives? Cuáles son tus objetivos?

Takeover: adquisición

You’re not getting the message. No captas el mensaje.

Let’s look for some common ground. Busquemos puntos de encuentro.

Policy: política

The only seats available were in the gods. Las únicas butacas disponibles estaban en el gallinero.

The support group did a great job of warming up the audience. El telonero hizo un buen trabajo animando a la audiencia.

Will you stipulate charges that will be made? Yes, I stipulated the charges that will be made. Si, especifiqué que se harán los cargos.


My sister trades online. Mi hermana opera por internet.

She pays very low commissions. Ella paga comisiones muy bajas.

The markets were rallying in the morning. Los mercados estaban recuperándose por la mañana.

You need a lot of self-confidence. Hace falta mucha confianza en sí mismo.

Reach (alcance)

Don’t get intimidated by her aggressive style. No te sientas intimidado por su estilo agresivo.

Stay calm when the situation gets tense. Mantén la calma cuando la situación se ponga tensa.

Growth (crecimiento)

My copy is a little dog-eared. Mi ejemplar está un poco sobado.

The dust cover is ripped. La sobrecubierta está rota.

What author do you recommend? Qué autor recomiendas?

Wholesalers (una mayorista)

Let’s analyze the numbers first, and get together again tomorrow with more information. Analicemos primero las cifras y reunámonos mañana con más información.

Recession (recesión)

Are there likely to be any bargains on the stock market soon? Yes, there are likely to be some bargains on the stock market soon. Sí, es probable (hay posibilidad de…) que haya algunos chollos en la bolsa pronto.


What was the closing price? Cuál fue el precio de cierre?

Your house can be the collateral.  Tu casa puede ser el aval.

Investors are losing optimism. Los inversores están perdiendo el optimismo.

What about the intangible assets? Qué me dices de los activos intangibles?

To resign (dimitir).

If there’s time, will we carry on with the terms?  Si hay tiempo, ¿seguiremos con las inversiones?

If you don’t agree, can you explain why you don’t? Si no estás de acuerdo puedes explicar por qué?

Proposal (propuesta)

If it were a short term loan, would you lower the interest?  Si fuera un crédito a corto plazo, ¿reducirías el interés?

If I offered you 50 shares, would you invest? Si yo te ofreciera 50 acciones, ¿invertirías?

Deal (acuerdo)

Draught beer always tastes better than bottled beer. La cerveza de barril siempre sabe major que el botellín.

We only serve wines and spirits. Sólo servimos vino y licores.

Counter-productive (contraproducente).

I’ll get this round. Esta ronda la pago yo.


We’re hedging our portfolio. …cubriendo nuestra cartera.

Don’t try to time the market. No intentes prever el mercado.

There’s been a takeover bid. …una oferta pública de adquisición.

Label (etiqueta)

You mustn’t use the same negotiation sckeme…esquema de negociación.

No two clients are alike. No hay dos clientes iguales

I’ve established a good relationship with him. He establecido una buena relación con él.

Bargain (ganga)

En un cruce:

Is it clear for me to come out? – It’s clear.

¿Puedo salir? – Si, vale.

Don’t get too close to the car ahead. No te acerques demasiado al coche de adelante.

Survey (encuesta)

Can you turn the air-conditioning on? ¿Puedes encender el aire acondicionado?

Make sure the printers get the invetations out before Friday. Aseguraos que la imprenta tenga las invitaciones antes del viernes.

To deal with (abordar)

What do you have in mind for entertainment? Qué tienes en mente para el entretenimiento?